急求英语作文:my understanding of environmental protection
急求英语作文:my understanding of environmental protection
My Understanding of Environmental Protection
As is known to us all,we can't be seperated from the enviroment at all.Land,water and air is what we needed.We need land to build our homes on.We need water for drinking and washing things,and we need air to breathe.We can say that they are part of our life.We dare not imagine what our life would be like if they did't exist or went wrong.
However,we are doing silly things which are damaging our environment.A vast of land has been used to build houses on which ought not to have been.Rivers and lakes have been polluted,from which our drinking water come,let along to say the air that is full of terrible smells and poisonous materials.It's reported by the government that more and more people suffer from diseases and even die of them due to the polluted enviroment.
For our life,it is urgent to protect the enviroment.But what to do?To my mind,first of all,our government is supposed to make laws on environmental protection.Whoever damages the enviroment should be punished.Factories musn't release the waste without being disposed.As individuals,we can also help,such as using environmentally friendly bags in place of plastic ones,taking a bus to work or school instead of driving cars.
Friends,let's take actions to protect the enviroment.
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