looking good is important for men
looking good is important for men
How do you think?
Do you think that it's OK for men to spend a lot of time and money looking good?Or is this only for women?
Here I would say something on the basis that looking good refers to looking beautiful,but have nothing to do with health.
Yes!when you are faced with a rich widow,this could be goddamned imporatant,Otherwise don't.
Deliberately trying to be nice looking,for a man,would always mean some kind of intention toward a female.Since all a man expects from other males and familiar females should be nothing but neatness and be normal.Anything out of this is unnecessary to him.
This would lead us to the thoughts that,by doing special make up,you are trying to please some random unfamiliar females,what's more important is that you are doing this randomly in everyday life.This is disgusting.
Some may argue that spending a lot trying to be nice looking is a desire from their innate which was determined by life experience,however,much less do we have any older man than young man who does their hair or make their faces to look more beautiful.
Being abnormally good looking awayls mean competing for a spouse,this is universal in the whole world of animals,and human is just special for how frequently they can do this.
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