急需一篇有关度假的英语作文 大约在80词左右 急用.
急需一篇有关度假的英语作文 大约在80词左右 急用.
是在度假的过程中给一位朋友写信 要写明是和谁一起去的 什么时候去的 什么时候回来 去的哪 这几天都干了什么 后面几天要干什么
Hey Michelle,
I am writing to share my joyful travel experience with you. Currently I am on vocation in Sydney with Jack. We have been here for five days now, and will be back in Beijing on the 28th of March, so I will be catching up with you then.
Sydney is so beautiful, with bright blue sky that made the blue ocean,Opera House and the Harbour Bridge like an amazing painting. We also visited the Taronga Zoo, WWII Monuments and explored the cultural town The Rock in the past few days. The Kangaroos and Koalas are so Cute. I wish you were here with us. You definitely have missed out alot this time,
I do not want to come back now. We are planning to visit the Blue mountains, go to Hunter Valley, Wollongon Beach and the Capital City Canberra in the coming week. I cannot wait to visit these lovely places.
I will be writing to you soon.
Hope you are well.
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