Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy The Three Musketeers The upcoming joint action 啦!
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy had only three good partners bodyguard team of three ordinary workers behave live life, but these three "Stooges" has always been the embrace of becoming the subject of a profile of the Swordsmen Great dream! Day, Minnie Princess surprised to discover that someone murdered her, and then immediately asked the captain of the bodyguard team swordsman headquarters were several excellent swordsman to protect her.
However, people do not know, the captain has been the headquarters swordsman with bad intentions in an attempt to usurp the throne, so he had to get rid of this as a great opportunity to Princess Minnie, so the captain will be the headquarters swordsman quickly has never been professionally trained Mickey , Donald Duck and Goofy trio an exception was promoted to swordsman, and assign them to take up the task of protecting Princess Minnie. Minnie Princess'd be seeing criminals kidnapping, sword ill-equipped Mickey and partners, end users in good faith and wisdom to overcome the extremely difficult to prevent the swordsman captain conspiracy.
I like this disc and hope the next opportunity can also see the genuine Walt Disney film version of Oh!
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