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帮帮忙 ,把这些话翻译成英语,谢谢啦 急用啊
Language is an important communication tool for human beings, which is a major medium of culture heritage and development. As a matter of fact, language itself is a culutral phenomenon. Language including its written form plays an indispensable and fundamental part in the life and production activities of mankind.
We know that every nation, in its own land or region, creates its own langage culture, which consists a unique contribution to the diverse culture of mankind. A nation loses its characteristic or spirit when it loses its culture. Consequently a unique part disappears from the whole body of human culutre. The equality of language and its culture is the foundation of the equality between countries and nations, which is closely related with national sovereignty and ethnical dignity. On the other hand, language determines the media and the right of speech, the right of elucidation and the right of appeal. Emotions, attitudes, and concepts which are included in language will translate into the cultural genes and the spiritual realm of mankind. Therefore, all the nations and ethnicities today treasure their language and cultural traditions more than ever.
We hold that economic globalization and cutlural diversification, with the increasing inter-dependence of the world economy, should be integrated and developed harmoniously.
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