Jim,Mary and Tom 要为Lucy举办一个Surprised Party为Lucy庆生:
Jim: Hey, Do you knoe Lucy's Birthday is on this Sunday?
Mary and Tom: Yes
Jim: Do you have anything to do this weekend?
Mary: No. How about you, Tom?
Tom: I don't think so.
Jim: Good, then we should have a party for Lucy's birthday.
Mary: That's a really good idea, we can invite some more friends come and join us too.
Tom: Oh yes. we can have the party at my house because my mother can make the birthday cake and some cookies for us.
Jim: I can bring chips, chocolate and sodas.
Mary: I will give our invitations to our friends about the surprised party for Lucy. And I think we should come to Tom's house to do some decoration first.
Tom: Sure, you can come on Saturday, and also make sure to tell them not to tell Lucy about the party first.
Mary: Of course.
Jim: OK. So I will see you on Satureday.
Mary: OK. Bye.
Tom: Bye-Bye.
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