

主要是if your house were on fire,how would you escape from it?what should you do and what shouldn‘t do?
If you discover a fire:
Alert people in the area of the need to evacuate
Activate the nearest fire alarm
Call Public Safety at 119
If a building fire alarm is sounding or you receive notification of a fire emergency:
Feel the door or doorknob to the hallway with the back of your hand.If it feels hot,do not open it – the fire may be on the other side of the door.If you are trapped,put a cloth or towel under the door to help prevent the entry of smoke.Dial 119 and tell the Public Safety dispatcher your location and telephone extension and that you are trapped in the room and need rescue.Stay on the phone until instructed otherwise.
If the door is not hot,open it slowly.If the hallway is clear of smoke,walk to the nearest fire exit and evacuate via the nearest stairwell to the street/grade level exit.
Close doors behind you.
Do not attempt to use elevators.Elevators are tied to the fire detection system and are not available to occupants once the alarm sounds.
Assemble at the area designated in your departmental Emergency Action Plan and remain there until instructed by Public Safety or the fire department that it is safe to re-enter the building.
If you have been trained to use a fire extinguisher
Only trained personnel may use fire extinguishers.Small fires can be extinguished without evacuation,but you much constantly evaluate and be ready to evacuate if the fire cannot be controlled.NEVER ENTER A SMOKE-FILLED ROOM.
Alert people in the area.
Activate the fire alarm.
Smother the fire or use the correct fire extinguisher.Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
Maintain an accessible exit.
Avoid smoke and fumes.
Remain available to answer questions from Public Safety,EHS or the fire department.
Contact Building Services at 258-3490 to replace the fire extinguisher.
Report all fires to your supervisor and Public Safety.


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