From Vinci he came,a wit of a man.Jdeas he did draw and codes he did a plan...
由这段英文,猜出 n d r l o o a e 的排列顺序
达芬奇密码 前边是谜面,——后面是谜底
From vinci he came,a wit of a man ideas he did draw and codes he did plan——Leonardo
A broom from earth,its sweet smell,its fame.The Bard hailed its beauty,regardless its name——rose
Named arthur and jemplar,from tables shaped round these men sought deep secrets and some lay unfound——knights
From tip to tip to tip,its sides number three obtuse may it seem,but right it may be——triangle
A carpenter's cup,a chalice so grand a treasure unknown,a secret so banned——holygrail
From spires in its top,its bells swing and ring its organ inside bring people to sing its eyes peers outside,great colorful glass to the heart of the town,they come for its mass——cathedral
La gioconda,your other name,yet still we love you all the same.upon a wall,with smile so fine Or do you frown,woman divine?——Mona Lisa
The spine of a puzzle,its secret and code a rock like this solves it and unlocks its lode two parts to its name,the first one a tone one rhymes with'we',the other with'lone'——keystone
A perfect proportion,first grecian in plan leonasrdo's great work-his subject,a man?——vitruvian
Moving through black,the night sky they do scar with show silent creep,they twinkle afar——stars
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