Over the South Pole . 这个是我看着中文译的,但是覍得译的不好,帮我看看哪写的不好?
Over the South Pole . 这个是我看着中文译的,但是覍得译的不好,帮我看看哪写的不好?
The American explorer, Mr.R.E.Byrd, flew over The North Pole. Three years later, he first flew over The South Pole in 1929. At the beginning, though Byrd and his assisants took lots of photographs which were endless mountains below his plane. But they fell in trouble quickly. the aircraft seemed to be crashed someplace. It was able to get over this mountains , if the plane climbed up to 10,000 feet high. Byrd ordered his assisants to throw out two heavy food sacks, so the plane could rise again. It was above 400 feet high that the plane flew over the mountains. Byrd knew that he could reach The South Pole which was only 300 miles away from here, because there was no mountains ahead. It was easy for plane to fly over this immense white field.
It was above 400 feet high that the plane flew over the mountains.这句话写的对吗?
对啊 ! 你没学过强调句吗?
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