One day an old man went into a hospital.He was unhappy because of his illness.The nurses thought he was crazy as he shouted to his wife to get the apple basket.
"Sir,you have to calm down.We are doing everything we can for you."
"I don’t need your help," the man shouted."I want my apple basket." He finally slept.
The nurses talked about the old man and his love of the apple basket.As they talked and laughed,his wife came in with the basket of apples in her hands.
They were curious about it over the next few weeks as they looked after the old man.The doctors had given him no hope of living.He turned out to be a very quiet and happy man once he had his basket.His wife would come in with apples and go out with apples.
One night as he was nearing the end,a nurse sat down in a chair by the wife."May I ask why you have that apple basket?"
"I am an apple farmer.At age 20,I got this basket.Each time I have a problem that I can not deal with,I put an apple in th
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