英语句子简写 长句变短句
英语句子简写 长句变短句
According to Bjornenak,the most influential factors on thedemand-side concerned the nature of the phenomenon being diffused.In the caseof ABC diffusion,he identified cost structure,existing costing systems,product diversity and competition as the essential factors.On the supply-side,the majority of the adopters of ABC received assistance from consultantsindicating that they played an essential role in these diffusion processes.Similarly,company size was identified as a relevant factor,since larger companiesproved to have a larger network of communication channels and infrastructuresto adopt the accounting innovation.Courses and availability of internal changeagents seemed to provide for the most effective communication channels.
求把这段话变的简短一点 但是要表达出相同的意思 用词什么的都可以改变
Bjornenak states the diffusion of the phenomenon is the most influential on the demand-side,recognising cost structure,existing costing systems,product diversity and competition factors as essential i...
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