哪位英语大神帮我回答一下这些英语口语问题 谢谢啦
哪位英语大神帮我回答一下这些英语口语问题 谢谢啦
1. Foreign language learning
1) What do you think of learning a foreign language?
2) How important is it to learn a foreign language today?
3) How to learn a foreign language effectively?
2. Family stories
Every family has special stories. Family members share their happiness and sadness. Some stories can make a deep impression on you.
1) What is generation gap? Is there generation gap between your parents and you?
2)How could your parents and you share mutual understanding? If there is divergence on a problem, what would you do?
3) What family stories impressed you most?
3. Making a good impression
It is vital to make a good impression on others in our daily life. On such occasions as a job interview, a good impression can give you more advantages over others.
1) How do you judge people?
2) Why do we say that it is important to make a good impression on others?
3) How can we
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- ..long time no see you look