He was not handsome,and his manners required intimacy to make them pleasing.
She felt the loss of Willoughby's character yet more heavily than she had felt the loss of his heart ...
Elinor was to be the comforter of others in her own distresses ...
"I am afraid," replied Elinor,"that the pleasantness of an employment does not always evince its propriety."
" ...and yet there is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind,that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions."
They gave themselves up wholly to their sorrow,seeking increase of wretchedness in every reflection that could afford it,and resolved against ever admitting consolation in future.
It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;-- it is disposition alone.Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other,and seven days are more than enough for others.
"His own enjoyment,or his own ease,was,in every particular,his ruling principle."
" ...if you observe,people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid them ..."
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