After graduation,the first year I did office secretarial work in medincine industry,the second year was promoted to administrative assistant.
My contents of the work:
1.My responsibility was to manage the company's main important files and documents .
2.I was in charge of the reception of the visiting guest
3.I wrote a number of announcements and the company rules.
4.I assisted the Chief Executive Officer for the company's daily arrangements
5.I managed the company's daily office supplies.
My skills:I am good at Word 、Excel and Powerpoint office software operations.I can use simply Photoshop's operation,and scan documents and photos.During the working time,I received a good reputation from leadership and colleagues because of my patience、hardworking and responsibility.I am also very easy going with others ,I often exchange new ideas with my leadership,and the company leadership affirmed me.
我看了一下,没有太大的问题,只是许多表达不太地道.1,第一段的the first year 和the second year 做时间状语时应该加in或者for.而且,为了不和状语after graduation 重叠,应放置在句末:After graduation,I did office...
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