高一的english 必修一 语法填空~
高一的english 必修一 语法填空~
Joe always had (1)___ cigarette on his lips.He smoked (2)___ he read,while he watched TV,whlie he drank a cup (3)___ coffee.He smoked forty cigarettes a day,but he was happy.Joe's friend,Fred,said to (4)___ ,“It's very bad (5)___ (smoke)." When Joe heard this,he started to worry and became thin (6)___ he went to Fred for help.Fred said,"You must eat more." So Joe did not smoke,but he ate chocolate,and he became very fat.Again he went to Fred for help.Fred said,"You must not eat chocolate." but he (8)___ (go) back to smoking cigarettes.He became thin again.(9)___ Fred was not happy,because Joe (10)___ smoked.Sometimes Joe wished Fred was not his friend.
Joe always had (1)__a_ cigarette on his lips.He smoked (2)_as__ he read,while he watched TV,whlie he drank a cup (3)__of_ coffee.He smoked forty cigarettes a day,but he was happy.Joe's friend,Fred,sai...
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