Another School Year --- What For? 这篇文章作者写上大学的意义是什么?

Another School Year --- What For? 这篇文章作者写上大学的意义是什么?

Another School Year --- What For? 这篇文章作者写上大学的意义是什么?
没读懂这篇文章,谁读懂了,上大学的意义是什么?麻烦说的详细一点,具体一点. 我摘抄的部分是作者的观点Fourteen years later, I am still teaching, and I am here to tell you that the business of the college is not only to train you, but to put you in touch with what the best human minds have thought. If you have no time for Shakespeare, for a basic look at philosophy, for the continuity of the fine arts, for that lesson of man’s development we call history --- then you have no business being in college. You are on your way to being that new species of the mechanized savage, the push-button N Eeanderthal. our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms,but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather the college went through them--without making contact.
8. No one becomes a human being unaided. There is not time enough in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.
9. Assume,for example,that
The main purpose of colleges is not to train students but to put them in touch with great minds,which can only be learned from books.By reading one can get to learn different things from different people,which can help him accumulate his own life experience.
In short one should read in college.


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