

我所喜欢的一种食物(My favorite food) My favorite food ------Jelly
Usually , maybe you eat many foods , for example , ham , dumpling , hamburger and so on . Which food do you favorite in these foods ? I tell you I like to eat jelly .
If you ask me why you like to eat jelly , I will tell you a story !
Remembered , that was the time of the final examination of one grade , I got a good grade , Mum said she put a premium on me , so she decided to take me to go shopping in the supermarket . When we got the sock district of the supermarket , I looked for the foods that I liked to eat , suddenly , I saw many children were choosing the jelly , so I walked there with interest , and I found the packing of the jelly was very nice , from the outside , it was very transparent , bright and fresh color , and it made me lick my chops . So I shouted my mother , and asked her but a few kilos of jelly for me . When we walked into our house , I took out them right now , and peeled the packing , and then put it into my mouth , and I felt it was very delicious and I did not forget it until now .
From now on , I really like it , and I felt very empty in my mind and uncomfortable if I do not eat it .
I have the deep feeling for the jelly , if my fellows come to visit to my home , I prefer to take out other something to eat for them , not the jelly , from this point , I think I like the jelly especillay . I will say to the jelly : “ jelly , jelly , I love you , as the mouse like the rice ! jelly , jelly , I love you , as the black bears like the honey ! “
My favourite food is the jelly , not only it made me eat with joy , but also I realized the happiness when I tasted it


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