July 20th,1969 was __(a an)exciting day.Two Americans___(get got) to the moon.They were the __(one first)men on the moon.Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin.They went to the moon ___(in by)spaceship.The name of the spaceship was Apollo 2.Apollo 2___(leaves left) the Earth on July 16th.It look three days to get there is___(on sone)air.water,plants or animals on the moon.The two men walked on the moon.They picked up some rocks and put___(they them)in the spaceship.They jumprd up and down.they were very tired after their moonwalk,so they___(take took)a rest .On july 21st .Apollo 2 ___(leaves left) the mmon and dame back to the Earth.
July 20th,1969 was __(an)exciting day.Two Americans___(got) to the moon.They were the __(first)men on the moon.Their names were Armstrong and Aldrin.They went to the moon ___(by)spaceship.The name of the spaceship was Apollo 2.Apollo 2___(left) the Earth on July 16th.It look three days to get there is___(no)air.water,plants or animals on the moon.The two men walked on the moon.They picked up some rocks and put___(them)in the spaceship.They jumprd up and down.they were very tired after their moonwalk,so they___(took)a rest .On july 21st .Apollo 2 ___(left) the mmon and dame back to the Earth.
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