Dear Zou,
The information below should help you prevent this from happening in the future.
When using Alipay it can take up to 24 hours for the funds to be verified.During this time frame the items you are purchasing will remain in your shopping cart.Do not modify your shopping cart during this time frame or this will result in the order being rejected.
To clarify,when you initially make your payment Alipay:
1.Collects the funds from you.
2.Verifies these funds.
3.Then submits them to us.
If the transaction amounts do not match,or the contents of the cart has been modified,the order will be denied and Alipay will issue you a refund within 5 to 7 business days.
If the amounts match and your cart is still the way it was during your purchase,they authorize the payment.Then the funds for your purchase will be released to us,the products will be activated in your customer account and the transaction will appear in your account's Order History.
Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Adam P
Online Support
亲爱的邹,下面的情报将帮助你阻止这个在将来发生.当使用alipay它能采取起来24个小时为基金被确认.在这段时间里frame项目你在采购会留在你的店cart.做不modify你的店cart中 有些不会诶,谅解哦!
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