Life in the accident.We who have no way to forecast.Lonely and long life,I can go on.It is only in this way.Many people would think that I was really very happy very happy.However,they have never entered my mind to have a look.I don't think I will really go to a serious understanding of myself.This is like this.And I don't want to think too much,no need now.I know I am a very pessimistic person.
Maybe I am really fail,since coming here,I did not seem real,laugh from the heart,sometimes even a day won't talk,I often ask myself:This is the real me?This in the end or not Yes,I have laughed,but never one for my own smile,I have changed,become I don't even know myself.Who the hell am
Now can not go back,I know I have to go on a let me regret the way,things have occurred had never come back,a wrong step by step wrong,I am not perfect,and even can be said that nothing is right.
请不要见怪,因为我要对你句真心话,你的英语太过中式化,我实在无法替你翻译成中文,就算翻了亦不会通顺,原因是我读不通你很多的句子,所以只能一路更正,一路告诉你的错处,Life in the accident.We who have no way to f...
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