Which should be emphasized in education,creativity or knowledge?的英语作文
Which should be emphasized in education,creativity or knowledge?的英语作文
Which should be emphasized in education,knowledge or creativity?
A:hey!knowledge and creativity,which one do you think should be emphasized in education?
B:Obviously,creativity is more important.Just as some experts say,creativity is the key to a brighter future.Anyone who benefits from creativity can discover a number of ways to approach problems and take advantage of the resources they have to produce original ideas.
C:Knowledge is the key and basis of education.Everyone broadens their knowledge day by day,which makes our world richer.And knowledge can help us know more about the outside world.Don’t you think so?Above all,I think that knowledge shoule be emphasized.
A:er,I agree with you.you know that one could not have succeeded without knowledge.Facts and skills are the essential parts of knowledge.Besides,creative thinking is likely to occur on the basis of enough knowledge.
B:I still persist in my former opinion.If you only learn from your teacher,you’ll never go any further than them.In fact,you’re just repeating what others have already done,and you cannot truly improve yourself.Human beings are supposed to be creative,that’s where we are different from other living creatures.
A:sure,creativity is also very important.but you think it.If Einstein hadn't accumulated enough knowledge in his field,could you imagine he would be so intelligent and brilliant to create his famous theories?
C:of course not.Knowledge is the basic of everything,without which it’s utterly impossible to develop one’s creativity,and give you the unecpected inspration.Your knowledge is directly related to your success in life,just as what I had said.
A:so knowledge and creativity are both important.they can not leave each other.
B:ok.i got it.The relationship of knowledge and creativity is input and output.If your input is correct,your answer won’t be wrong.
C:Knowledge without creativity is lifeless; no change can be expected.Creativity without knowledge is too weak; no effect can be expected,or you can't get very far.
A:So knowledge and creativity are dependent on each other.we can not give up any one.
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