Yesterday I heard something about a single mom with two kids that I barely know.She was pleading(恳求)
Yesterday I heard something about a single mom with two kids that I barely know.She was pleading(恳求)for help to pay her phone 26 ,and thus her phone would be 27 .I have seen her help many others 28 the past months.She struggled to make ends meet and 29 a smile so her children wouldn’t 30 .She had no family near her so if she lost her 31 ,her children would have no 32 to get in touch with her.After reading her plea,I 33 about it all night and it broke my heart.
This morning I contacted her and 34 her I wanted to help.I called and paid the bill 35 she would not lose it.She wrote me one of the most sincere letters I have 36 received,telling me how 37 she was.She cried and said that I would never know how much it 38 to her that a stranger would be so 39 .She had nowhere to go and didn’t know where to turn.I 40 to her that she had a kind heart and that it was especially important for me to help 41 people like her.
I am very glad to have been able to 42 out.Her tears of joy and heart
26 B 27 A 28 D 29 A 30 C 31 A 32 D 33 A 34 D 35 B 36 B 37 B 38 A 39 C 40 C 41 C 42 B
43 D 44 C 45 C
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- 1.0.88686它的小数部分第100位上的数字是( ).
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- *是新规定的这样一种运算法则:a*b=a²+2ab,比如3*(-2)=3²+2X3X(-2)=
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- 已知向量2a+b=(0,1),c=(1,-1),a*c=1,|b|=3,则b和c的夹角为
- (3又1/3+5又2/4+7又3/5+...+57又28/30)/(1又2/3+2又3/4+3又4/5+...28又29/30)-1
- 小学语文六年级上册第二单元第二个作文500字!1