Figure 3: Garment data structure.2.3 Ontologies for garmentsWe can now introduce a class garments forsingle pieces of garment. Such a piece of gar-ment might be defined to be a collection of clothpatterns that are sewed together. This can beformally defined in languages like OWL thatprovide transitive properties. Commonly useddescriptions of garments such as jackets,trousers, skirts and dresses can nowbe introduced as sub-classes of garments.The propertyisPartOf ? cp × garmentsdenotes that a certain cloth pattern is part of acertain piece of garment.Using the ontology for cloth patterns it seemsto be possible to formally define these sub-classes of garments in good coincidence withthe common usage of the terminology trousers,skirts, etc. For instance trousers might be de-fined as a piece of garment that has a pattern Xfor whichisLyingOn(X,leftLeg)and has a pattern Y for whichisLyingOn(Y,rightLeg).Whereas a skirt might be defined as a piece ofgarment that has a patte
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