Out of the blue,out of the night
You came along and you changed my life
You got me feeling things,I swear I never felt before
You looked at me,that's all it took
You read my heart like an open book
Well,it was true love- right from the start
True love- straight from my heart
True love- ain't no doubt about it,baby
True love- now I can't live without it
Before I met you baby,I was alone
Thought I was happy livin' on my own
But now I realize this world was made for two,like me and you
With you by my side,everything's fine
There ain't no mountain,sugar,we can't climb
We got a true love- that's all we need
True love- it's got a lifetime guarantee
True love- so hard to find
True love- put your heart on the line now
True love- makes every day a little brighter
True love- makes every burden just a little lighter
True love- it'll make you be a better man
If you had true love,you'd understand
Out of the blue,out of the night
You came along and you changed my life
You got me feeling things,I swear I never felt before
You lift me up,you make me strong
You give me lovin' lastin' all night long
When it's a true love- right from the start
True love- straight from my heart
True love- need you here beside me baby
True love- need your love to guide me
True love- I can't deny this feelin' no no matter how hard I try
I just know what I feel,and it's a true love
She's my baby,she's my girl
She changed my life,oh,she changed my world
She's my buttercup,oh,fill me up
Talkin' about love,talkin' about love,it's gotta be a true love
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