Skin diving (轻装潜水) is a new sport today.Many people show interest in this sport.Some go under water
Skin diving (轻装潜水) is a new sport today.Many people show interest in this sport.Some go under water to see beautiful scenes._____________(1) go down into deep (深的) water to take pictures of swimming fish.It’s not very dark under water and there’re a lot of big or little _____________(2) living there.Some of them use the sand to _____________(3) their homes.If you’re under water,you will find you’re just in a fish village.
There’s no wind under water._____________(4) is blue or green.During the day,there’s much _____________(5).Sometimes people do not have to use a flash (闪光灯) to take _____________(6) under water.
This sport takes you into a wonderful new world.When you’re under water,_____________(7) is easy for you to pick up a big stone.It’s _____________(8) a trip to the moon!Catching fish is one of _____________(9) parts of this sport.When fish swim nearby,you can catch them _____________(10) your hands.
选项 make,with,everything,like,other,light,fish,it,photo,interesting
1 others
2 fish
3 make
4 everything
5 light
6 photos
7 it
8 like
9 the most interesting
10 with
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