The issue is talking about which cases play an impotant role in determining the individual's personality.Are genetic factors or environment influence?at present,with the science and technology ever-accelerating,a multitude of experiments have been proved the gene inherited from our parents making a difference during the process of person growth.therefore,leading to people in growing number are apt to recognize the reliability of genetic science
Nevertheless,anything is not absolute.the news about wolf-kids or bear-kids,which almost have been well known by world as a whole.this baby taken on animals character,acting fiercely behavior and living habit ,instead of human.it is well demonstrate that what is significance of surroundings for person's character,take account of experience we have in life is so unpredictable and powerful,thus it is difficult to give an conclusion for who is the primary element between of them
From my point of view,i do not believe that there existed with major influence during forming of character,to some extent,it is owing to the effect of integrate genetic science with social environment.finally,shape and constitute our present character.if it is not true,then we would be predicted the behavior and character of person from the moment they were born
In short,we should not ignore the impact of experience life.if you want to become a successful and great man,it is need us to playing the equal attach on both aspects
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