关于ATM Machine的问题.
关于ATM Machine的问题.
ATM是Automated Teller Machine的缩写,但是人家却说ATM Machine,那不就是Automated Teller Machine Machine了嘛?
求高手解答,是不是ATM Machine 本身就是一种错误的说法.
RAS syndrome stands for Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome and refers to the redundant use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym or initialism with the abbreviation itself,thus in effect repeating one or more words.Usage commentators consider such redundant acronyms poor style and an error to be avoided in writing,though they are common in speech.
* ATM machine (Automated Teller Machine machine)
* CSS style sheets (Cascading Style Sheets style sheets)
* HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus virus)
* ISBN number (International Standard Book Number number)
* PIN number (Personal Identification Number number)
* UPC code (Uniform Product Code code)
大意:这种问题叫做RAS syndrome.用于书面语是错误的,口语比较常见.
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