Choose one of your keepsakes and tell me the story about it.
Choose one of your keepsakes and tell me the story about it.
Boy,let me show you my silver dollar that I got from my mom's great grandma back when Buffalo Bill and them cowboys roamed.She found it herself while playing in a ghost house next to her daddy's farm in Cody,Wyoming.Back then folks in that neck of woods lived tough and you've got to watch out for your folks.But the dollar got past down thru' generations unscratched.Man,I figure it must worth a mighty now,so I'll keep myself a fortune.You know buddy,these days the papper money ain't worth nothing,so I'ma keepin' this silver dollar as my treasure.I've got it locked up in my safe down the den in my basement.Man,when talk about keepsakes,the silver dollar is something.
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