写好后发至 diy599@gmail.com 1.How to improve our memory 2.problem of our college 3.the meaning of marriage 4.how to prepare for job interviews 5.my dream job after graduation 6.my view on "lay-off"(下崗) 7.how to improve city traffic 8.Is it necessary for chinese to celebrate western Festivals 9.my view on divorce(離婚) 10.physical exercise
① Memory Improvement Techniques This section of Mind Tools teaches you useful techniques that help you improve your memory.These tools help you remember people's names more effectively,improve your recall of information in exams,increase the speed with which you can learn vocabulary,and help you in situations where you need to remember detailed,structured information.This section is split into three parts:first of all,the introduction explains the principles behind the use of memory techniques (also called "mnemonics").We then discuss a range of individual tools that you can use to remember information.Finally we discuss how to use the skills in practice to remember peoples names,foreign language words,and information for exams.Enjoy using the tools!
- y=x/x^2是不是反比例函数?
- 若x的绝对值小于等于3,则整数x的值是?
- 如图,已知△ABC中,AB=4,D在AB上移动(不与A,B重合),DE‖BC交AC于点E,连接CD,设S△ABC=S,△DEC=S1
- 视野是什么意思?
- 最近一直在读这本书!很有趣!用英语怎么说?
- 甲,乙两数的比是3 :5,乙数与甲数的差是10,求乙数!
- AB两地相距160KM,甲骑自行车从A地出发,骑车速度为20KM/H,一骑摩托车,从B地出发,速度是甲的3倍
- 求代数式3-√(2a-1)的最大值和最小值,并求出相应的a的值
- 已知高度、和坡度,如何求长度?
- 即使明天下雨,你也( )
- sorry,mother,wrong,找出读音不同的单词
- 现在地球上有谁在太空中?(太空站不是能容纳很多人吗)
- 15. I wish he _____ me some money if I am lucky enough.
- 关于节约能源的作文
- 设定点M(3,103)与抛物线y2=2x上的点P的距离为d1,P到抛物线准线l的距离为d2,则d1+d2取最小值时,P点的坐标为( ) A.(0,0) B.(1,2) C.(2,2) D.(18,−
- 软体动物,昆虫,甲壳类动物,软体动物,环节动物,怎么分类
- 若关于x、y的二元一次方程组1:2x+y=3k-1,2:x+2y=-2的解满足0<x+y≤1,则k的取值范围是拜托各位了 3Q
- It is ___a beautiful stamp.
- what can water be used for
- 4x-3×9=29解方程