

1. 因为缺乏资金,他们的项目不得不取消.(lack)2. 听轻音乐会减轻你的压力.(stress)3. 合理的饮食对我们的健康很重要.(balance)4. 我不想和你一起去看电影.还有,天开始下雨了.(addition)5. 明天八点我们要考试,请一定要准时到校.(sure)6. 生活的压力会使你的头发失去光泽.(rob)7. 适合你的就是最好的.(suit)8. 这场暴雨对庄稼损失很大.(damage)9. 我们要采取有效措施来保护环境.(affedive)10. 为了提高产量,我们应该应用新的研究成果.(apply)11. 你很明智昨晚没有去听演讲,太枯燥了.(wise)12. 得知Jack在演讲比赛中获得第一名,他父母高兴极了.(top)13. 谁能保证他会说话算数?(guarantee)14. 你必须学会在适当的时候说适当的话.(right)15. 如果你弟弟能做这件事,我也能做.(so)16. 你打算晚饭前还是晚饭后给花园浇水?(or)17. 这里太热,让门开着吧.(keep)18. 人人都帮忙,结果提前完成了任务.(so that)19. 他的失败是粗心所致.(result)20. 我要对你说多少次你才能注意你的书写?(attention)21. 我也没办法掩饰我对此缺乏心趣.(lack)22. 他们都小心地避免提起那件事.(awid)23. 那些猫吵得我无法入睡.(rop)24. 到了那里千万要给我写信.(sure) 是高中一年级的 别太难了 拜托了啊
1.Due to the lack of fund(Because they were lack of money),they had to cancle their project.
2.Listening to music can help alliviate your stress.(Listening to music is good for you to reduce stress)
3.A balanced diet is crucial to our health.(crucial=very important)
4.I don't want to go to the cinema with you.In addition,it's starting to rain.
5.Make sure to get to school on time for we'll have the exams at 8:00 tomorrow morning.(We'll have the exams at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning,please make sure that you can arrive at school on time)
6.The pressure from life may rob your hair of its luster.
7.What suits you is the best.
8.This storm caused great damage to the crops.
9.We must adopt effective measures to protect the environment.(原题里给的词应该是effective,你拼错了)
10.We need to apply the result of the latest research to increase production.
11.It's wise of you not to have attended the lecture,it was too boring.
12.Jack's parents was so thrilled(thrilled=very happy) at the news that he was the top in the speech contest.
13.Who can guarantee that he will carry out his promise?
14.You must learn to say the right words at the right time.
15.If you younger brother can do this,so can I.
16.Do you plan to water the flowers in the garden before or after supper?
17.It's too hot here,just keep the door open,please.
18.Everybody gave a hand so that the task was finished in advance.
19.His failure was the result of his carelessness.
20.How many times do I need to repeat my warning so that you can pay attention to you writing?
21.I don't have any methods to hide my lack of interest in this neither.
22.All of them tried to avoid mentioning that.(原题里面给的词拼写错了,应该是avoid)
23.Those cats robbed me of my sleep.(这题给的词也错了,应该是rob)
24.Be sure to write a letter to me after you get there.


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