苏通大桥 简介(帮忙翻译成英语)
苏通大桥 简介(帮忙翻译成英语)
The Su Tong bridge is located in Jiangsu province east Nan Tong City and Suzhou (Chang Shu) city between, be the important Heilongjiang Jia Yin county passage that Ministry of Communications plans till the Fujian Nan Ping City country priority arterial highway strides over the Yangtse River , be also that the Jiangsu province highway host framework net "releases one " Gan Yu county important component to Wujiang express highway, project scale builds the most complicated super-huge type of condition bridgework maximal , synthetical on being that our country builds bridge history. The bridge building Su Tong boosts area balanced development and the riparian entirety developing to the perfect country and the Jiangsu province arterial highway net, having improved safe the Yangtse River shipping condition , have relieved river traffic pressure , guarantee shipping safety and so on has very important significance. The small sea getting Yu Tong open an express highway exchanges the Su Tong bridge project flyover-crossing, Hangzhou express highway Dong small river intercommunication is finally Suzhou-Jiaxing flyover-crossing. The route overall length strides over the river bridge project and south coast connection project tripartite made up of 32.4 kilometres, mainly from lofty connection of north project.
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