英语话题写作 字数250左右,自由写点
英语话题写作 字数250左右,自由写点
some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. others believe that going to classes should be optional for students(that si to say,students can decide whether they will go the class or not) .which point of view do you agree with. use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
Many people think students in university are too much free.But I think it's because they think students in university already are Minor.In fact most students have learned how to think and deal with their life in mind like as adult.So why not to give them enough freedom and understand?
We have accepted all kinds of subject since us were sent to shool .Everyone know they are useful for us.Though even It's a too long and too hard time ,We nerver to complained.But when we became a university man ,We need interpersonal relationship
and experience of society than knowledge on book.
So I think a academic environment that is free and humanization is better for university man.
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