[How to operate a washing machine]
The following is a step by step instruction that shows you how to operate a washing machine.
First of all,open the door by pulling the door handle outwards,then place the laundry in the drum,one item at a time,shaking them out as much as possible.After the door has been closed,pull out the dispenser drawer until it stops.
Secondly,measure out the amount of detergent required and pour it into the main wash compartment,while,if you wish to carry out the prewash,pour detergent into the compartment marked instead.
Thirdly,pour fabric softener,if required,into the compartment marked.Be aware that the amount used must not exceed the "MAX" mark in the drawer.Then close the drawer gently.
Next,select the required option.For example,you can depress RINSE HOLD or QUICKWASH button,if your laundry is lightly soiled.
Finally,push the programme selector dial to pop it out and turn it clockwise to the programme you required.
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