Desertification is the process by which land dries up eventually over time and the land turning to desert.And there are many causes such as over-population,climate change,over-cultivation,deforestation and over-grazing.They are related to each other too,like over-population need more farmland,more cattle to eat,but cattle need eat more roots of grass,and then it will lead to over-grazing.Now,in today,desertification is a big global problem,because desertification reduces the ability of land to support life,affecting wild species,domestic animals,agricultural crops and people.Desertification is particularly a problem in Africa as it is a poorer continent and in times of desertification it looks for the aid of other countries as famines are struck across its regions.I know some of the causes of desertification,so I should to tell people to halt desertification,to protect our Earth.
Desertification is the process by which land dries up and eventually turns into desert.There are many causes such as over-population,climate change,over-cultivation,deforestation and over-grazing.Those causes are related to each other too.For example over-population means more farmland,more cattle to eat.Since the cattles need to eat more grassroots,they will lead to over-grazing.Nowadays,desertification is a big global problem,because it reduces the ability of land to support life,and affects wild species,domestic animals,agricultural crops and people.Desertification is especially a problem in Africa which is a poorer continent compare to others.When famines due to desertification struck across its regions,Africa looks for the aid of other countries Since now I know some of the causes of desertification,I should tell people to halt desertification and protect our Earth.
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