In my opinion, the Expo is a large and grand ceremonies. I can imagine that in Shanghai, has no national boundaries, away from all over the world people are discussing the changes here, not only the environment has become more sanitary, and construction is getting better and better. Following the Olympic Games after the motherland and the people is the second one is excited event.
Shanghai World Expo, construction of the "Shanghai World Expo Park" is also careful planning, it is estimated there is a permanent exhibition hall. My favorite is the mascot of World Expo - Hai Bao. This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf. Hoi Po's image and self-confidence to use both arms warm smile welcomes friends from around the world. Hoi Po is a Chinese character "person" as a core creative, because only supported one another throughout the world, man and nature. Man and society. Harmony among people, so that the city will be better.
I'm looking forward to Shanghai World Expo held in Shanghai has been constantly progressing, people of the motherland is also injected into the Expo. Olympics. I believe that the Expo would surely be the same as the Olympic Games a complete success, has become so difficult for other countries to replace the state, win glory for the whole of China! I hope I can do something for the World Expo, in order to cheer the arrival of the Expo bar!
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