阅读理解一篇 50分

阅读理解一篇 50分

阅读理解一篇 50分
The general objective of an MBA programme is to build on the knowledge and skills of the students taking the courses to enable them to operate effectively at a strategic level within an organization.
Courses begin by developing an understanding of,and skills in,the major functional areas of business.Next,from this foundation specific topics in management are considered,including project management and international management.Students are expected to be able to operate in a multi-disciplinary (多学科) way.
The final stage normally focuses on strategic management and requires students to undertake a major organization-based project.The emphasis of the course is on skills development and the application of learning to workplace situations.Each course includes a period of work experience in a local organization as well as a full programme of company visits and guest speakers.Entry to a one-year MBA programme requires a good honours degree or similar professional qualifications.Applicants normally have at least two years' work experience and a working level of English.Student enrollments occur twice each year,in January and September.
Liverpool Business School offers an MBA programme and has developed skills in designing,delivering and assessing business and management programmes that enable students to apply their learning to the workplace.The Business School is part of Liverpool University.
6.The phrase "build on" in the first line may mean ____________.
A) construct B) work on C) improve D) set up
7.What is the second major stage of an MBA programme according to the article?
A) To build on the knowledge and skills of students.
B) To enable students to work effectively within an organization.
C) To develop skills in the major functional areas of business.
D) To consider specific topics in management.
8.The course emphasizes ___________________ a great deal.
A) developing interests in doing business
B) improving personal qualifications
C) the application of learning to practice
D) ability to design,deliver and assess businesses
9.Students who enter the programme normally have many things except ____________.
A) work experience
B) a certain level of English ability
C) an honours degree or similar professional qualifications
D) enrolling twice in a year
10.Which of the following is included about an MBA programme in Liverpool Business School?
A) the purpose B) the teachers C) the emphasis D) the enrollment
1.B2.D,依据Next,from this foundation specific topics in management are considered3.B,The emphasis of the course is on skills development and the application of learning to workplace situations.C太片面...


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