I can see five fish in the river(five)划线提问
I can see five fish in the river(five)划线提问
I can see twelve pens in his bag(twelve pens)划线提问
The sun is hot(hot)划线提问
don't know how I make a card 连词成句
is stting she her beside 连词成句
has and a pot some he matches 连词成句
come my can with you and help English me 连词成句
together it do let's 连词成句
I can see five fish in the river(five)划线提问
How many fish can you see in the river?
I can see twelve pens in his bag(twelve pens)划线提问
How many pens can you see in his bag?
The sun is hot(hot)划线提问
How is the sun?
don't know how I make a card 连词成句
I don't know how to make a card.
is stting she her beside 连词成句
She is sitting beside her.
has and a pot some he matches 连词成句
He has a pot and some matches.
come my can with you and help English me 连词成句
Can you come and help me with my English?
together it do let's 连词成句
Let's do it together.
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