阅读短文,从A-G七个句子中选择正确选项还原到短文中,使短文内容完整、正确。A.No,he is very different now.B.Bill’s nex

阅读短文,从A-G七个句子中选择正确选项还原到短文中,使短文内容完整、正确。A.No,he is very different now.B.Bill’s nex

A.No,he is very different now.
B.Bill’s next plan is a new website.
C.He always says,“Anything is possible.”
D.Bill is a schoolboy and businessman as well.
E.So I decided to make a website-especially for people of my age.
F.He can’t set up a new website.
G.Yes,he is.
Bill is only fifteen years old, but he’s already very rich. Two years ago, Bill began a football website (网站)for young people. “I became interested in computers when I was eight because my father’s job is with computers. As a little boy, I also loved football 小题1: ____
Bill started the “football OK!” website two years ago, and now more than 20,000 people visit it every day. 小题2:____ He usually gets up at six and looks at his e-mails. Then he goes to school from nine to fourteen. In the evenings, he always works for about four hours on his website.
小题3:____ “At the moment I am thinking about a new website on American football, maybe for next year,” he said.
And is Bill the same person that he was three years ago? 小题4: ____ “I have met a lot of interesting people on the website and I have traveled all over the world.” Bill doesn’t know about the future. “Maybe I will sell the website, I really don’t know. I will just wait and see.”
When he is 21, Bill will be a millionaire (百万富翁). 小题5: ____


When America was young, the city of Washington, D.C. had been built.   1  .Trees were cut down and the Great Capitol(美国国会大厦) was built. A house was built. The President of the United States would live in this house.   2 
At that time there was a park near the President’s house.   3    Today in that same park there are no horses or cows, sheep or pigs.     4 
This is a city of many monuments(纪念碑). The highest of all is the George Washington Monument. This monument helps all of us remember George Washington, the first President of the United States. Inside the monument is an elevator. People from all over the country ride in the elevator to the top. Inside the monument are many steps.  5 .
When they get to the top, they see the United States Capitol building with its white dome(圆顶) and many monuments. They look over this beautiful city, Washington, D.C.—the capital of the United States.
A. People may climb these steps to the tops.
B. And people let their horses and cows, sheep and pigs eat grass in the park.
C. It is now called the White House.
D. It was built in a forest, near two beautiful rivers.
E. It is a beautiful park for all people to see.
F. It’s near the river.
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小题1:Greoge loves drums and his favorite is classical music.
小题2:Robert plays the violin, his favorite style of music is country music.
小题3:James loves the sound of the drum and he likes rock.
小题4:Harry says the best instrument is the piano. He likes to listen to opera.
小题5:Kevin’s favorite instrument is the guitar and his favorite style of music is jazz.
A.He loves to listen to drums. He says he’s not a player, just a listener. He claims to like rock.
B.He is violinist, so it’s natural that he should favor the violin. He prefers country music.
C.His favorite is the guitar. However, he hasn’t played for years, so he keeps hoping to start again. His favorite style of music is classical music.
D.He says jazz is his favorite music. He goes to listen to jazz every Friday evening. He also likes opera, heavy metal, classical but jazz is the best. He plays the piano, but his favorite instrument is the guitar.
E. He claims the piano is more versatile than any other instrument. He loves to go to see a performance. He says opera has everything, color and spectacle and theatre and great music.
F. He played drums when he was at primary school, and now he plays drums with his friends at weekends. They have a band. His favorite style of music is classical music.
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A. My parents got angry with me. 
B. Maybe I can help you with it. 
C. The teacher said I could do better. 
D. What’s the matter with you? 
E. I really had a difficult time studying math. 
F. Why not go home and say sorry to your parents? 
G. That’s too bad. 
A:  Hello, Mark! You look unhappy.    小题1:  
B:  I argued with my parents last night. 
A:  Why did you do that? 
B:  I got my report card yesterday. I didn’t do well in math.    小题2: 
A:    小题3:  You should work harder at math. 
B: I know, but I find it really difficult and I really don’t know how to improve it. 
A:    小题4: 
B:  That’s great. Thanks a lot. 
A:  You’re welcome.    小题5:  
B:  I will.
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David Beckham was born on 2nd May, 1975, in London. When he was a young boy, he played football whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends.  小题1:  . This led to him going for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy at secondary school he played for not only his school but also his country team.
On 8th July, 1991, he became a member of Manchester United.  小题2:  . On 2nd April, 1995, he played his first major football league game against Leeds United. During 1995 and 1996, David became a regular member of the team and Manchester United won in both seasons, with David scoring many goals.
  小题3:   . In the first game of the 1996/7 season, he scored an amazing goal from beyond the halfway line. Seeing the goalkeeper a little way out of his goal, David sent the ball over the goalkeeper’s head and into the goal. He continued to score astonishing goals, especially from free-kicks.
David Beckham is a great player, but he is different from most other players  . He has a real love for football. 小题4:  . He is always on the move with the ball or running to pick up a pass from another team member. He also has his feet on the ground and behaves in a very natural and relaxed way.
A. David Beckham is 180 cm tall and weighs 47kg
B. He won a prize at the age of twelve
C. When he is training, he never rests
D. David Beckham became very famous overnight
E. This means that he could practice football as much as he wanted to

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  Once there was a young man, he sold fruits at the market every day in the town.   1_. He believe that the earlier he got go the market, the more he could sell. This made other sellers came to the market earlier and earlier.
To get up even earlier, he thought that if he ate his breakfast at night, he wouldn’t have to eat it in the morning.    2  . He went to bed stuffed(饱) that night, but he knew it was for a good cause.
Morning came and the young man was surprised to see that there were many people there.      3    That night he decided to get dressed at night so he could save time in the morning. He went to bed with his clothes on, but in the morning some sellers were there before him again.
    4    He carried his bed to town. That night, he lay in his bed and watched the night sky. The moon was full and he was very excited.     5    When morning came, the young man was so sleepy and tired that he couldn’t get up.
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