--- They prefer to walk to the shop rather than_______ in their cars.A. to go   

--- They prefer to walk to the shop rather than_______ in their cars.A. to go   

--- They prefer to walk to the shop rather than_______ in their cars.
A. to go        B. going        C. go  

试题分析:句意:比起乘小汽车他们更喜欢走着去商店。prefer to do rather than do 是宁可做……而不做,或者是喜欢做……而不做……的意思。语法结构上来看,than两边的结构都是一致的,都是不定式,但是习惯上把后面的to省略。故选B。
--- Hello, may I _________ to Ellen?
--- Sorry, she isn’t in. She has _______ Xiamen on business.
A. say, been in    B. speak, gone to    C. talk , been to
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
He ______ us ______ a cheaper hotel at last.
A. provided, with   B. offered , to    C. gave, to
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---How much does the train ticket ______ from Harbin to Beijing?
--- 438 yuan.
A. cost       B. spend        C. take
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There ______ a lot of green grass and beautiful flowers. But now everything has gone.
A. was used to be        B. were        C. used to be
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
--- Mum, where are my socks?
--- Under your bed. You should          your things.
A. put on            B. put down       C. put away
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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