If  you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the f

If  you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the f

If  you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the following things:
Be open to others. Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better. This also helps you feel more comfortable in talks.
Try to smile more. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.
Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start a conversation, say something nice about people around you Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.. Don’t make you want to keep talking to that person?
Get your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games. Don’t waste time worrying about your look or whether people or not. You will become relaxed and find it’s not so hard to talk with others.
Take one small step at a time . Each time when you say “Hi” or smile at someone, say to yourself “ You can make it.’ Keeping trying and one day you’ll never feel shy when you talk to others.
Title:  Advice on 小题1:  to be a little braver
       Advice                                  Reasons
Don’t小题2: the fact .
If you tell people you are shy, they will understand you   小题3:
Smile more.
People don’t小题4:the one with an angry-looking face.
Start a conversation with小题5:words.
People will feel  小题6: and want to talk to you.
Pay more attention to ways to enjoy 小题7: 
Or games.
You will become  小题8: .
Encourage yourself to say “Hi” or 小题9: at someone.
Keep doing this and you’ll be braver to talk to others  小题10:  the future.  


小题4:l ike/love

小题1:根据文章的主题句If  you think you are too shy and want to be a little bit braver, just try the following things:可知这篇短文主要是介绍这样更勇敢一些,故填how
小题2:根据第二段Tell people you are shy. There is no need to hide it可知不要藏起事实,故填 hide
小题3:根据第二段When they get to know you are a shy kid, they will understand you better可知当人们知道你是害羞的孩子,他们会更加理解你,故填 better
小题4:根据第三段most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.可知大部分的人会远离有生气表情的人。即人们不喜欢有生气表情的人,故填like/love
小题5:根据say something nice about people around you说你周围人的好事,即以好的话开始谈话。故填 nice/good
小题6:Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.根据你的感受可知别人的感受,故填great
小题7:根据Think more about ways to enjoy parties or games.可知填parties
小题8:根据Don’t waste time worrying about your look or whether people or not. You will become relaxed,故填 relaxed
小题9:根据最后一段Each time when you say “Hi” or smile at someone, say to yourself “ You can make it.’可知填smile
小题10:根据Keeping trying and one day you’ll never feel shy when you talk to others.
The environment is becoming worse and worse . There are  many k_小题1:____ of pollution that I worry about. The most terrible two are w__小题2:_  pollution and air p_小题3:______, because people can’t live healthily with dirty water and polluted air. Animals can’t live in the world ,either. More and more people are becoming ill b _____小题4:__ of polluted air. I think factories shouldn’t  pour dirty water i_小题5:_____ rivers directly or produce so much waste gas. We’d better go on  foot or by  bike  i____小题6:___ of by car. Finally, everyone must pay attention to r___小题7:___ pollution. If everybody makes so m__小题8:___ rubbish , one day we may live in a world which is full of rubbish. H__小题9: frightening it will be ! We should take a____小题10:__ to make our world cleaner and more beautiful.
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We go shopping almost every day. We can choose many places to buy things. The supermarket is the right place for you. There are some good points (观点)about buying things at the supermarket.
★You can buy things at the supermarket at a low price. But you pay much more in a big store to buy the same goods.
★ You can decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. And you don’t have trouble from the shop assistant(店员)at the big store.
★ There are more goods to buy at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a week’s use at a time. It saves you much money and time.
In a word(总之), it is better to buy things at a supermarket than at a big store.
Title :  Do some    小题1:   in the supermarket
We    小题2:    almost every day. We can choose many places to buy things. Supermarkets are the    小题3:    places for you.
Some  小题4:   points about buying things at the supermarket
 ★Buying    小题5:   things at the supermarket than in a big store.
 ★  【小6】    what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. And you don’t have  小题6:    from the shop assistant at the big store.
 ★Buying things to    小题7:    for a week at a time. You only need to   小题8:   a little money and time.
In a word, it is    小题9:    to buy things at a supermarket than at a big store.

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An old man had a monkey. The old man liked the monkey a lot b__小题1:_____the monkey was very clever. When the birds came to the garden, he drove them away. He also h__小题2:_____ the old man in many other ways.
One h__小题3:_____ afternoon in the summer, the old man was sleeping in his chair in the garden. A fly(苍蝇) came and sat on the t__小题4:____ of the old man’s nose. The monkey drove it away. Soon the fly came b__小题5:_____ again and sat on the old man’s nose again. Again the monkey drove it away. Again and again, the monkey became very a__小题6:_____. He jumped up, ran to pick a big stone. When the fly was on the old man’s nose again, the monkey hit it hard w__小题7:_____ that stone. The fly died, and blood(血)came out of the old man’s nose. The old man’s nose was broken. Well, many people, even our friends, sometimes do things just l_小题8:_____ the monkey. They do things too q__小题9:_____ but they don’t think more before they do. They want to do s__小题10:_____ good but they sometimes bring us troubles.
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Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like? This article will describe a typical (典型的) high school and its students.
A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students. Every student is given a locker. When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather loan(租借) than buy them. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.
American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough. Sometimes their parents drive them to school. When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver’s exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.
Each day, students take six or seven classes. They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.
The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports-especially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.
Title:   小题1:  in an American High School
◇It gives an overview of a typical American high school and its小题2:.
Lockers and textbooks
◇Every student has a locker for textbooks and 小题3: clothes.
◇They prefer loaning textbooks to 小题4: them.
 小题5: transport
◇Students usually go to school by bus or on foot. Sometimes their 小题6:  send them to school by car.
◇They can  小题7:themselves to school when they are over 16 and have passed the required tests.
Classes and classrooms
◇Students have to take main classes, elective classes and sometimes one or more
◇They go to  小题9: classrooms for each subject.
After-school activities
◇After school most of the students take   小题10:in their favorite activities, including sports and clubs.

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On Thanksgiving Day. About 88 percent of Americans car turkey. But one l小题1: turkey not only survives but also becomes famous! Every year, turkey farmers p小题2: a turkey to the U.S. president. However the president does not e小题3: this turkey. But gives in a “pardon”. The turkey is s小题4: to Florida for a Thanksgiving parade. Then it lives on a farm for the r小题5: of its life.
Turkeys come from North America and have been part of American culture for c 小题6:. Benjamin Franklin even wanted the turkey, i小题7: of the bald eagle, to be America’s icon. Turkeys living on farms are large birds that cannot fly. But w小题8: turkeys are quite fast. They can fly at a s小题9: up to 88 kilometers per hour. They can also run as fast as 40 kilometers per hour.
Turkeys don’t have ears. They h小题10:  with a snood (肉垂) above their beaks. But their hearing is five times better than human’s.
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