阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。One day a farmer’s donkey (驴) fell down a well (

阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。One day a farmer’s donkey (驴) fell down a well (

One day a farmer’s donkey (驴) fell down a well (井). The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to get it out. Finally, he d____86____ to give up the animal, because it was very old and the well needed to be covered up.
He invited all of his neighbours to come and help him. They all began to fill the well w____87____ dirt (泥土). The donkey realized what was h____88____ and began to cry. Then, to everyone’s surprise, it became quiet.
A few minutes l____89____, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was a____90____ at what he saw. With each shovel (铲) of the dirt that hit its b____91____, the donkey shook it off and took a step up.
As the farmer’s neignbours went on to shovel dirt on top to the animal, he s____92____ shook it off and took a step up. Pretty soon, the donkey h____93____ got out.
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. E____94____ of our troubles is stepping stone. You can g____95____ out of the deepest well just by not stopping and never giving up! Shake (摇) it off and take a step.
    86—95 decided, with, happening, later, amazed,
back, still, happily/himself, each, get

小题1:decide to  do sth,为固定词组,符合题目的要求。故用decided
小题2:do sth with sth,,表示用···做某事。故用with
小题3:what was happening?表示正在发生什么!故用happening
小题5:be bamazed at sth,表示对····生气,故用amazed
小题10:get out of表示从某人那获得什么,故用get
Robot Green was 31years old when he went to college. That was his first time he came into the classroom. Eleven years later he received a doctor’s degree in physics. Robert Green was a good example in studies for all people. His life was a moving story.
From a young age, Robert Green lived a simple and poor life with his grandfather in the mountains of Boston. His grandfather taught him to read. Later he taught himself to read Maths books and Physics books. From time to time, he bought old books with his saved money and read them all. At that time few people in Robert’s neighbourhood knew about his love of reading and learning. But one person, Jane Keller did know him. She worked in a library. Robert used to go there and he read everything in it. She suggested books for him to read.
A year later, he entered Bethel College. He was interested in everything that he had never seen before. He got an A in every subject. To his teachers’ surprise, he finished college in three years. His teachers encouraged him greatly and he went on his education at Stanford University.
小题1:What did Robert buy with his saved money at his young age?
小题2:Where did Jane Keller work?
小题3:How did Robert get on with his every subject in Bethel College?
小题4:Why were Robert’s teachers surprised at him?
小题5:What do you think of Robert Green?
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小题1: Amy comes from America and she likes Beijing Opera. She wants to go to the theater to see Beijing Opera.
小题2: Tina is in No.3 Middle School. Basketball is her favorite sport. She wants to find someone to play basketball with her after school.
小题3: Li Hong hardly does any sports so she is weak. She wants to become strong and healthy.
小题4: Andrew is going to Beijing for vacation. He is looking for someone who can be his tour guide on the Internet.
小题5: Yang Ming likes animals and he wants to go to the zoo this weekend.
A.Emily is in No.3 Middle School and she likes basketball very much. She plays basketball every day after school.
B.If you like seeing Beijing Opera, you can go to Anhua Theater. It is a big theater. You can enjoy Beijing Opera there.
C.You can get a lot of information on the Internet. But remember, surfing the Internet too long is bad for your health.
D.If you want to become strong and healthy, you should do sports. It’s a good idea to join a sports club.
E. There are many kinds of animals in Beijing Zoo. If you like animals, you can go there.
F. Zhang Hua is good at swimming. He swims twice a week. He is very strong and athletic. You can learn to swim from him.
G. Wang Jiang was born in Beijing and he is familiar with Beijing. He wants to work as a tour guide during the summer vacation.
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There a__85__ many words in English, but you can’t know every English word. W__86__ you read, you’ll often find many new w__87__ you don’t know. You’ll not have enough t_88_ to stop reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary(词典). Sometimes you can g__89__ the meaning of a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word.
For example. if a word ends in the l__90__ “er”, that word must be the name for a p__91__
or a thing that does some action(动作). A w__92__ is a person who writes. Sometimes this is
not enough to u__93__ a word, but it will h__94__ you to know the article(文章) easily when you are reading.
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Liu Sanzi is an eight-year–old boy from a village in Hunan Province.His parents want him to drop out of school because of his poor family.
Li Yiming is 14 and from Gansu Province. He stopped going to school a few yers ago.His parents have been ill and he has to take care of them.
Many children like them can’t get education because their families are very poor. Now they can go to school with the help of the Project Hope. In the last15 years this project has raised  the money and paid for the education of the poor children. Peope in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan.It is used to build schools,libraries,train teachers .And it has also sent students to high schools.
Now most of people have heard of the Prject Hope and have given money, As a result,thousands of children have better lives
小题1:Did Liu Sanzi finish studying?
小题2:Why did Li Yiming sop going to school?
小题3:Did the poor children get an education or stay at home with the help of the Project Hope?
小题4:Who has given the money ?
小题5:What’s the main idea of the passage.
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Not long ago, I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more knowledge. So I went to the l  小题1:   to borrow some books and returned them. But a few days l  小题2:  , I felt impatient. The idea of finishing all of them seemed impossible, because I always found it d小题3: to calm down to read a whole book. I didn’t know how to deal with it. Then suddenly one day I had an idea, “Why not m 小题4:   reading fun ? ” It gave me hope a  小题5:  . Reading is a journey of spirit. Every time we read a book, we are actually t 小题6:  to the writer. I tried to put all my effort into his or her books, so I could feel all of his or her happiness and suffering. Now books have b 小题7:  a part of my life. I do some reading at least two h 小题8: a day.
Do you know that attitude (态度) can make a great difference? S小题9: once said, “Even though the situation is bad, people still have one freedom (自由) to choose their attitude.” So, don’t complain about(埋怨)study or w小题10: . It helps nothing. Try to see things from a different way. Believe me, this will change the situation and help you a lot.
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