One day people heard a shout for help. They h         (1)to the river, and saw a

One day people heard a shout for help. They h         (1)to the river, and saw a


One day people heard a shout for help. They h         (1)to the river, and saw a man in the water. A young fisherman jumped i       (2) the river and s       (3) to that man. Soon he pulled the man to the bank and carried him out of the water. All the people nearby praised the b       (4)and kind man.
Now people found the man out of the water was the r        (5) man in the town, he went over to the young fisherman and said, “Young man, you saved me, d        (6) you? Thank you very much. I’d like to p       (7) you for your kindness.”
He took out five cents and wanted to give it to the young man. Everybody was angry w     (8) the rich man. Just then, an old man said to the young fisherman, “T        (9) the five cents, young man. The rich gentleman’s life is w     (10) just that much.

【小题 1】hurried        
【小题 2】into          
【小题 3】swam         
【小题 4】brave       
【小题 5】richest
【小题 6】didn’t         
【小题 7】pay          
【小题 8】with           
【小题 9】Take        
【小题 10】worth

【小题 1】本句的含义为他们匆忙地向河边跑去,故本句空格处填匆忙地过去式hurried。        
【小题 2】本句的含义为一个年轻的渔民跳到河流,向求救的那个人那边游去,故本句空格处填到……里的单词into。          
【小题 3】本句的含义为一个年轻的渔民跳到河流,向求救的那个人那边游去,故本句空格处填游泳的过去式swam。         
【小题 4】本句的含义为所有的人都夸赞那个人勇敢和善良,故本句空格处填勇敢的形容词brave。       
【小题 5】本句的含义为人们发现从水中救上来的人是城镇最富有的人,故本句空格处填富裕的过去式richest。
【小题 6】本句的含义为年轻人,你救了我,不是吗,故本句空格处填didn’t。         
【小题 7】本句的含义为我不想为你的善良而付款,故本句空格处填支付的单词pay。          
【小题 8】本句的含义为每个人都对这个有钱人非常生气吗,be angry with sb表示对某人生气的含义,故本句空格处填with。           
【小题 9】本句的含义为一个老人说我拿走那五美分,故本句空格处填拿走的单词Take。        
【小题 10】本句的含义为那个有钱的绅士的价值只值那么多钱,故本句空格处填价值的单词worth。
t was December 25. Marie, a 13-year-old Australian girl, was happy. It was Christmas, and Marie’s mother was making a special cake. She put four small coins into the cake,  and then she baked (烤) it. The four coins were for good luck. After dinner Marie and her family ate the cake. They found three coins in the cake and put them on the table. Where was the fourth coin? It was missing, but Marie’s mother didn’t notice.
After Christmas, Marie got sick. She coughed, and she couldn’t speak. After six weeks she felt better, but she still couldn’t speak. Marie’s parents took her to hospital. Doctors at the hospital looked her over, and then said, "We are sorry, but we can’t help her." For 12 years Marie didn’t speak. She grew up, she got a job, and she got married. But she never spoke. One day,  when Marie was 25 years old,  she got a sore throat ( 嗓子疼 ) at work. She began to cough. She coughed up something small and black. What was it? Marie didn’t know. She took it to the hospital. A doctor at the hospital said, "This is a coin!" The doctor told Marie, "I think you can speak again." Marie went to a special doctor, and soon she could talk.
小题1: What did Marie’s mother make at Christmas?
小题2: What did Marie’s mother put some coins in the cake for? 
小题3:How many coins did Marie’s family find after eating the Cake?
小题4: How long didn’t Marie speak?
小题5: Could Marie speak at last?
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It is reported that over 300 million people in China are suffering from nearsightedness. As more children have got eye trouble, their parents hope to cure the disease by some different ways, such as by correcting the way children read and sit. But in fact, one should start with the exercise with one’s feet. Here are three ways to save eyes.
First, don’t tie your shoes too closely. Try to wear comfortable and soft shoes and socks or walking without shoes and socks at home. While you are travelling, try to wear cloth shoes in order to improve blood circulation.
Second, walking on tiptoe is good for one’s eyesight. It can fight against eyesight trouble. Numbers show that most of ballet performers’ eyesight is better..
Third, rope skipping does good to one’s eyesight. When skipping the rope, one has to move quickly, making both the brain and the eyes excited. It may also help make one grow taller.
Besides foot exercises, it is good to pull one’s ears. Pulling the ears 20 times quickly is also a great way. It can keep one’s eyes healthy.
小题1:It is reported that _________ people have got eye trouble, especially_________.
小题2:In fact, one should start with the exercise with one’s feet instead of __________ children read and sit and there are ____________ ways to save eyes.
小题3: When we are traveling, we should try to wear _____________ because they are ________________.
小题4:Numbers show that most of  ___________ eyesight is better because ___________ is good for one’s eyesight.
小题5: It is also a great way _________20 times quickly besides__________ .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
“Life’s a long, long journey(旅程)” so we are told, and most of us would not set off on a journey, even a short one, without some idea of where we wanted to go. Yet many people travel on life’s journey with no sense of direction at all.
Setting personal goals can give your life a sense of direction. Goal setting is used by top sports players, successful business people and achievers in all fields. Before you set personal goals, think about what you want to achieve with your life.
Try to set goals in some of the following categories.
Education—Will you achieve the educational goals after finishing high-school? Are you still growing and learning?
Family—What kind of relationship(关系)do you want with your parents and other family members?
Creative—Do you want to achieve any artistic goals?
Career—What job do you want to take when you grow up? What do you need to make your dream come true?
Public Service—Do you want to make the world a better place?
Physical—Are you fit enough to do the things you want to do?
Pleasure—How do you want to enjoy yourself?
Write down the goals and think about them carefully. Are they realistic? When will you be able to achieve them?
To help make the process (过程) more manageable, divide your goals into smaller tasks. For example, if you want to reach a main goal in five years, set a three-year goal, a one-year goal, a three-month goal and a one-month goal. Then create a daily To-Do List of things that you should do today. When a goal is achieved, take the time to enjoy your success. This helps you build the self-confidence.
Remember, your goals can change as time goes on. But be sure your goals are things you hope to achieve, not what your parents, family or teachers want.
小题1:Is life a long journey according to the passage?
小题2: Why do you need to set your life goal?
小题3:What should you consider when you set a family goal?
小题4:How can we achieve the main goal easily?
小题5:What does the writer want to tell us?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There are hundreds of funny and strange expressions in the English language. A lot of them include country names or nationalities. Take these examples:
The Dutch(丹麦人)are the target of most English expressions about nationalities. Why are there so many jokes about the Dutch in English? And what do these expressions mean? In the 17th and early 18th centuries, there were three wars between the British and the Dutch, and Dutch became a bad word. So double Dutch means something that has no meaning or is impossible to understand. A Dutch uncle is someone who gives much stronger advice than they need to. There are later expressions, which are funnier and kinder, like to go Dutch, which is nowadays a popular expression. It means to pay for your part of a bill. This often happens when a group of friends have a meal together, and each person pays for the food they ate. I’m a Dutchman is another commonly used expression. This means not being able to believe something.
An expression with a similar meaning to double Dutch is it’s all Greek to me, which means I don’t understand. The expression was made famous in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar although the expression is actually hundreds of years older.
If you take French leave, you are not present or leave somewhere without permission. For example, you could take French leave from a classroom or the place where you work. This expression is from the 18th century when French people left parties without saying goodbye to the host or hostess.
There are Chinese whispers, which mean confused(令人困惑的)messages. This describes the fact that a message can often change as it is passed from person to person. This expression comes from the First World War when foreigners were often confused by Chinese language.
Many people find English expressions confusing, but now that you know about some of them, you can easily have fun finding out many more funny English expressions.
小题1:Are there many jokes about the Dutch in English?
小题2:When did Dutch become a bad word?
小题3:What does “French leave” mean?
小题4:Which three expressions mentioned above have similar meanings?
小题5:What do the funny and strange expressions in the passage have in common?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Which is the mascot (吉祥物)of  Shanghai Exposition (世界博览会)?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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