All students need to have good study habits(习惯) .When you have good study habits

All students need to have good study habits(习惯) .When you have good study habits


All students need to have good study habits(习惯) .When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember t   小题1:    easily.
Do you like s___小题2:____ in the living room? This is not a good place because it is u______小题3:_____ too noisy(吵闹). You need to study in a quiet place, like your b_____小题4:_______. A quiet place will h_____小题5:______ you only think a______小题6:______ one thing, and you will learn b____小题7:_________.
When you study, don’t think about o___小题8:_____ things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do this, you will do your homework more quickly and you will make fewer mistakes.
B_____小题9:_____ you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk lamp is important, too. You will f_____小题10:_____tired easily if there is not enough light.
Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If you are already good, try to make them better.


小题1:根据When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly.可知You also remember t        easily.的含义是你也会很容易的记住它们,它们指代你所学的东西,在动词remember后应使用它们的宾格them,故第一个空应填的单词是them。
小题2:第一段谈的是学习习惯,所以Do you like s_______ in the living room?的含义应该是你喜欢在起居室学习吗?喜欢做某事可用like doing,故本文第二个空应填学习的动名词studying。
小题4:You need to study in a quiet place, like your b____________.此句的含义应该是你需要一个安静的地方学习,像你的卧室,bedroom可以表示卧室的意思,故本文第四个空应填bedroom。
小题5:A quiet place will h___________ you only think a____________ one thing, and you will learn b_____________.此句的含义应该是安静的地方有助于我们思考问题和学习,所以本文的第五个空应该填意思为有助于的单词help。
小题6:安静的地方有助于我们思考问题,think about可以表示思考某事,故本文的第六个空格应该填about。
小题8:When you study, don’t think about o________ things at the same time此句的含义根据后文可以判断它的的含义是我们学习应该专心的去学,而不要分心考虑别的事情,故本文第八个空格应填意思为别的单词other。
小题9:根据后句A good desk lamp is important, too.可知B__________ you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. 的含义是在开始学习之前,不要忘记清理一下你的桌子,所以本文的第九个空格应该填意思为在……之前的单词Before。
小题10:You will f__________tired easily if there is not enough light.此句的含义应该是如果没有足够的光线,你会很容易感到疲惫,故本文的第十个空填意思为感觉的单词feel。

Some students think it d__小题1:___ to learn English well. That’s b__小题2:__ they don’t find the right way. I think r__小题3:___ is very important for students. The more you read, the b__小题4:__ you’ll understand. Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing.
If you often read English aloud, you’ll improve(提高) your listening. On the other hand(另一方面), listening a lot can h__小题5:____ you to read better. Reading English everywhere when you are f_小题6:__, if you wish. You can get a lot of knowledge(知识) when you read. Sometimes you need to s_小题7:__ your ideas, you can either speak or write. That means you are using w__小题8:__ you learned from reading. The same as Chinese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to r__小题9:__ something, you should read again and again. So from now on, you’d better do more reading. It’s a good w__小题10:__ to learn English well.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

— Would you like to talk with your father or mother, Liu Mei?
—_________We don’t have the same topic.
A. Either.  B. Both.    C. Neither.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:Morning exercises help us get___________(准备好)for the day.
小题2:What about__________(购物) in the supermarket at the weekend?
小题3: I know you are _____________ (成员) of the Football Club.
小题4:Who _____________(其他)wants to play volleyball with us?
小题5:They _____________(确实) have a wonderful time in the park.
小题6: When does the ____________ (parent) meeting begin in the afternoon?
小题7: Please give my best ______________ (wish) to your friend for me.
小题8:The boy often              (fly) a kite in the park.
小题9:Simon is one of the best basketball           (play) in our school.
小题10:__________ (be) the boys good at dancing?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:Can you give me some __________ (建议) on my English study?
小题2:Who is your ________ (亲密的) friend?
小题3:The fish on the plate is very ___________ (with a pleasant taste).
小题4:There is too much __________ (movement of cars) on the road every day.
小题5:English is a foreign ___________ to us Chinese.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

小题1:After the hard work, I felt very t________.
小题2:He won a g______ medal in the 2012 London Olympics.
小题3:I have two f__________ friends. One is Japanese, and the other is American.
小题4: We open the window every day to let the fresh a______ in.
小题5:The skirts here are all beautiful. I don’t know which one I should c________.
小题6:The flu s___________ quickly in crowded places.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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