情景对话(每空一词)。A: Where 1. ______ my keys?B: 2. ______3. ______  in your bag?A: No,

情景对话(每空一词)。A: Where 1. ______ my keys?B: 2. ______3. ______  in your bag?A: No,

情景对话(每空一词)。A: Where 1. ______ my keys?
B: 2. ______3. ______  in your bag?
A: No, they 4. ______.
B: 5. ______6. ______in the drawer?
A: No,7. ______8. ______
B: I think 9. ______on the dresser.
A: Yes. You"re right. 10. ______.
B: That"s OK.
1. are     2. Are   3. they   4. aren"t   5. Are    
6. they   7. they    8. aren"t    9. they"re  10. Thanks
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1. What"s in the room?              
(     ) 2. Is that Jeff?                    
(     ) 3. Are these your grandparents?      
(     ) 4. Is my pencil case in the bookcase?
(     ) 5. Are the books on the sofa?        
(     ) 6. Is the computer on the floor?    
(     ) 7. Who is your friend?              
(     ) 8. What"s this in English?          
(     ) 9. Is that boy your brother?        
(     ) 10. Where"s my baseball?            
A.  Your baseball? I don"t know.
B.  Yes, they are.              
C.  No, they are in the backpack
D.  No.  It"s on the desk.      
E.  No, it"s Jack.              
F.  Yes, it is.                  
G.  No, it"s my cousin.          
H.  There are some things in it.
I.   Guo Peng.                    
J.   It"s a clock. .              
1.  Where"s the clock?
2.  I can see a clock.
3.  Look at my new room.
4.  What can you see in the room?
5.  It"s on the wall.
补全对话  (每空一词)。
A: Where l. _____ my book?
B: I 2. _____ know.  3. _____ it in your backpack?
A: No, it 4. _____
B: Is 5. _____ on your desk?
A: 6. _____, it isn"t.
B: Is 7. _____ on the teacher"s desk?
A: No, it 8. _____
B: Oh, look! 9. _____ 10. _____ your desk.
A: I see it, too. Thanks.
Tony: Hi! My name"s Tony. 1. ______?
John: My name"s John.
Tony: 2. ______!
John: Nice to meet you, too!
Tony: 3. ______ ?
John: Yes, I do.
Tony: Do you have a basketball?
John: 4. ______ I have a soccer ball.
Tony: Let" s play soccer together!
John: 5. ______. Let"s go!
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案


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A.  How do you do
B.  Do you like basketball
C.  What"s your name
D. That"s a good idea
E.  Nice to meet you
F.  No, I don"t
Li Lei: 1. ______ me, Tom.  Do you have 2. ______ eraser?
Tom: Sorry. I 3. ______
Li Lei: Do you think David 4. ______ one?
Tom: I think so. You can ask 5. ______
Li Lei: David, may I have 6. ______ eraser, please"?
David: Sorry, Lucy has 7. ______eraser. Please go and ask her.
Li Lei: Excuse 8. ______ Lucy. May I borrow David"s eraser?
Lucy: Certainly. Here you 9. ______ But you must give it back to him soon.
Li Lei: OK. 10. ______ a lot.