It was Mother’s Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was

It was Mother’s Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was

It was Mother’s Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning, she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香)in the garden.
Later that day, when she told her husband about the lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find all that you want. Get the children and come on.” So they went out, driving down the country roads.
There on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs. The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers. Carefully she picked a few here and a few there. On their way home there was a smile on her face.
When they were passing a nursing home(养老院), the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair. She had no children with her. They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands, and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled happily, too.
When the young mother came back to her car, her children asked her, “Who is that old granny? Why did you give our flowers to her?”
“I don’t know her,” their mother said. “ but it is Mother’s Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her.”
小题1:The young woman was a little unhappy on Mother’s Day because ______________.
A.she didn’t have a present
B.she was a long way from her mother
C.she didn’t know it was Mother’s Day
D.she wanted to see her father
小题2:There were many beautiful purple lilacs ________________. her the market
C.on a the nursing home
小题3:The young woman had ___________________. child
C.more than one childD.a boy and a girl
小题4:The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because ______________.
A.she was her mother
B.she didn’t like those flowers
C.her mother asked her to do so
D.she wanted the old granny to be happy
小题5:What can you learn from the story?
A.After giving roses to others, fragrance(香味)keeps with your hands
B.Like mother, like son.
C.Rome was not built in a day.
D.Never too old to learn.



小题1:细节理解题。根据It was Mother’s Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was 800 miles away from her parents.因为他离她父母800英里远。可知选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据There on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs.在一个小山上,有很多漂亮的丁香花。可知应选C。
小题3:细节理解题。根据When the young mother came back to her car, her children asked her, children是复数,故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled happily, too.这个老太太谢谢她也高兴的笑了。可知故选D。
Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold the fish in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some food for his family. When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man fell into the river and wasn"t found. 小题1:___________ His aunt had to look after him.
  Twenty years passed. 小题2:___________ He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money. 小题3:___________ The woman was very happy but one day she died in a traffic accident. The young man was very sad. After he buried her, he decided to buy a beautiful tombstone(墓碑) for her. 小题4:___________, but all the tombstones were too expensive. He asked, "Do you sell an old tombstone, sir?" "Yes, we do, sir, " answered the shopkeeper. "Is it as expensive as the new one?"
  "No, it"s much cheaper," said the man. "小题5:___________ " "It doesn"t matter, " said Dick. "My aunt couldn"t read. "
A. Dick became a tall, strong man.
B. But another name was engraved(刻) on it.
C. He went to town and came in a shop
D. Dick"s mother left her three-year-old son without saying good-bye.
E. He often went to see his aunt with some nice presents.

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Li Shizhen was born in 1518. His father was a poor doctor小题1:              He decided to study medicine so that he could help people who were ill.
Li Shizhen read many books about medicine. 小题2:            So he wished to write a new one.
小题3:                 He studied not only the herbs(草药) in his own garden, but also the wild ones. He always went on long journeys to collect herbs and talked with old peasants. 小题4:              
After many years of hard work and study, 小题5:                 At that time he was sixty. His book is now one of the greatest contributions of the Chinese people to the medical science of the world.

A. Li Shizhen often saw that people fell ill.
B. But he found many of the old medical books were full of mistakes.
C. He learned a lot from the working people.
D. Li Shizhen finished his great work Ben Cao Gang Mu.
E. He did his best to study medical science.

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Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."
The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, "Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.
After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy than to be rich and afraid."
小题1:The City mouse think the Country mouse’s life is not good because ______.
A.the food is not good
B.the Country mouse lives in a hole in the field
C.both the food and the house are bad
D.the house is not made of stone
小题2:When the Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse, he thinks the City mouse has ______.
A.bad house and bad foodB.bad house but nice food
C.good house and nice foodD.good house but bad food
小题3:From the passage, we know that ______.
A.The great noise is made by the cat
B.They are caught by the cat
C.They are not afraid of the cat
D.The City mouse lives a rich and happy life
小题4: The Country mouse prefer the ______ life before.
A. poor and afraid              B. poor and happy
C. rich and afraid              B. rich and happy
小题5:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.The City Mouse
B.The Country Mouse
C.The Rich and the Poor
D.The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

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As a boy, Tim Green had two dreams: becoming a football player and becoming a writer. Both of the dreams have come true.
After studying at Syracuse University, Tim began to play football in the NFL (国家橄榄球联盟). He was a great player in the NFL for eight years.
While Tim played in the NFL, he began writing. His first book came out before he stopped playing football.
After writing many books for adults, Tim began writing books for young readers. Many stories in his books happened in a world of sports. Tim got the inspiration (灵感) for writing from his own experiences as a football player. At the same time, Tim visited over 700 schools and talked to more than 400,000 students across the United States about the importance of education and the joys of reading!
Tim is also a TV broadcaster (节目主持人). His TV shows include FOX NFL Sunday, Battlebots, Good Morning America, Court TV, and most recently, Find My Family.
Do you like sports? Do you love reading? If your answer is “Yes”, you can try Tim Green’s books.
小题1:What were Tim Green’s dreams when he was young?
小题2: How long did Tim Green play in the NFL?
小题3:Where did Tim Green’s inspiration for writing come from?
小题4:What did Tim Green talk about to the students when he visited the school across the US?
小题5: How many jobs of Tim Green’s does the passage talk about?
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It’s spring now. New leaves come out from the tree. Everything begins to turn green. It makes us feel happy.
I watch the apple trees and remember a little story.
A long time ago, there was an apple tree and a little boy. The boy came and         around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the         , and rest under the shadow (树荫). He loved the tree and the tree loved him. Time went by … The little boy        up and no longer played around it. The old tree was very sad. It didn’t know         . The boy said, “I am not a kid. I want to play with toys. But I don’t have money.”
“You needn’t           about it. Pick all my apples and sell them, you will have money.” After that the boy didn’t come back. Years later, the boy returned and the tree was happy. But          its surprise, the boy cut it down to build a house. Many years later the boy returned again. The old tree was happy and said to him “Sorry, my boy. I can’t give you          more. The only thing left is my dying roots. But you can sit down and rest here. This is your forever         .
This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parents. When we were young, we loved playing with them. When we grow up, we         them, and only come to them when we need something or are in trouble. No matter what happens, parents will be there and give what they have to make us        .
We may say the boy is cruel (冷酷的) to the tree but that’s how we are treating (对待) our parents. Nowadays, many old people feel lonely because their children don’t live with them. We hope all of us try to help those old people and manage to make the old have a happy life.
A.applesB.leaves D.birds
小题3: B.setC.grewD.took
A.worryB.feel D.dream
A.something B.everythingC.nothing D.anything
A.home B.treeC.bed
A.angry B.tiredC.happyD.sad

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