Two children stood outside the door with old coats. “Any old papers, Lady?” aske

Two children stood outside the door with old coats. “Any old papers, Lady?” aske

Two children stood outside the door with old coats. “Any old papers, Lady?” asked one of them.
I was busy. I wanted to say no, but I saw that their shoes were broken and wet. “Come in and I’ll make you a cup of hot tea.” They came in, saying nothing. Their shoes left snow on the floor.
I gave them tea and bread to protect them against the cold outside. Then I went back to the kitchen and started my housework again.
The silence in the front room surprised me. I looked in.
The girl held the empty cup in her hands, looking at it. The boy asked me in a low voice, “Lady, are you rich?”
Am I rich? Oh, no! I looked at my old things in my room.
The girl put her cup back in its saucer(茶碟) carefully. “Your cups match your saucers.”
They left then, holding their papers against the wind. They hadn’t said thank you. They didn’t need to. They had done more than that. The blue cups and saucers were simple. But they said that they matched. The potatoes and meat before me, a roof over our hands, my husband with a job—these things matched, too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room. The prints of their small shoes were still wet on my floor. I let them be. I wanted them there to remind me how rich I was.
小题1:The writer let the two children in _________. offer them some warm serve them tea and food sell them some old show them how rich she was.
小题2:We can learn from the passage that_______.
A.the writer was in fact not very rich
B.the children took away many old papers
C.the writer’s husband was out of work
D.the two children were looking for a job
小题3: It can be inferred(推断) from the passage that _______. was snowing outside when the story happened
B.the two children thanked the writer and then left
C.the two children were not polite to the writer
D.the writer had a set of new furniture in her house
小题4:The underlined sentence “I let them be” means  “_________”.
A.I dislike themB.I didn’t want to see them
C.I cleaned themD.I left them there
小题5: What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Any Old Papers?B.Matching Cups and Saucers
C.Are You Rich?D.Two Poor Children



小题1:细节理解题。根据文中原句I gave them tea and bread to protect them against the cold outside. (我给他们茶和面包来让他们抵御外面的寒冷。)可知此题选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中信息Am I rich? Oh, no! I looked at my old things in my room.(我富有吗?不,我看着我房间的旧东西)可知事实上作者并不富有,故此题选A。
小题3:推理判断题。根据文中原句Their shoes left snow on the floor.(他们的鞋把雪留在地板上)可以推断出故事发生时外面正在下雪,故选A。其他选项不符合题意。
小题4:句意猜测题。根据下文I wanted them there to remind me how rich I was.(我想让他们在那儿提醒我有多么富有。)可知作者让这两个孩子的脚印留在地板上,故选D。
Life is full of surprises and you never know how things will turn out. Sir John Gurdon is a good example of this. As a boy, he was told he was hopeless at science and finished bottom of his class. Now, aged 79,the very same Gurdon shared the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Japanese stem cell researcher Shinya Yamanaka.
Like so many scientists, Gurdon shows us where the power of curiosity and perseverance can lead.
When he was 15 in 1948,Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at his high school in biology and every other science subject. Gurdon’s high school science teacher even said that his dream of becoming a scientist was “quite ridiculous”.
In spite of his teacher’s criticisms, Gurdon followed his curiosity and kept working hard. He went to the lab early and left later than anyone else. He experienced thousands of failures.
“My own belief is that we will, in the end,understand everything about how cells actually work,”Gurdon said.
In 1962, Gurdon took a cell from an adult frog and moved its genetic information into an egg cell. The egg cell then grew into a clone of the adult frog. This technique later helped to create Dolly the sheep in 1996,the first cloned mammal in the world.
In 2006,Gurdon’s work was developed by Yamanaka to show that a sample of a person’s skin can be used to create stem cells. Using this technique, doctors can repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.
“Luck favors the prepared mind,”Gurdon told the Nobel Prize Organization. “Ninety percent of the time things don’t work, but when they do, you have to seize the chance. ”
小题1:Who won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine?
A.Sir John Gurdon
B.Shinya Yamanaka.
C.Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka.
D.Gurdon’s science teacher.
小题2:What does the underlined word “ridiculous” mean?
小题3:According to the passage, which statement is TRUE?
A.As a boy, he was told he was hopeful.
B.He ranked first at his high school in biology.
C.It’s impossible for the doctors to repair a patient’s heart after a heart attack.
D.In spite of his teacher’s criticisms, he kept working hard.
小题4:What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Ninety percent of the time things don’t work.
B.Luck favors the prepared mind.
C.Life is full of pleasure.
D.How to know cells actually work.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Tina was a seventeen-year-old girl who always wore a bright smile. She suffered from a disease and had to use a walker most of the time. Maybe it was because she looked     and people didn’t know how to come near toher. Tina usually broke the ice with people she met with a big “      
In one class, I gave the students an assignment (作业) to        a poem. I only made the assignment worth a very small part of their total grade since I knew most of my        would not do it anyway. In the class, one by one each student      to correctly recite (背诵) the poem. Finally, angry and half joking, I said that the next student who        recite the poem had to do three push-up (俯卧撑). To my         , Tina was next. She used her walker to move to the front of the class.       she recited, she made a mistake. Before I could say a word, she        her walker and started doing push-ups. I wanted to say, “Tina, I was just        !”But she      , continued the poem and she finished the rest perfectly.
When she finished, a student asked, “Tina, why did you do that? It’s not an important assignment!”
“Because I want to be like you guys! To be        .” Tina said.
Silence fell on the whole room when another student cried out, “Tina, we’re not normal! We are teenagers!
We get in      all the time.”
“I know,” Tina said as a big      spread across her face. The rest of the students laughed, too.
Tina got only a few        that day, but she got the love and respect of her classmates. To her, that was
worth a lot more than a grade.

A.woke up B.gave up C.stood up D.made up

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
I was walking down the road one day when my phone rang.       voice on the other end spoke to me, “Dad, please come back soon. I miss you so much!” I thought that it was a wrong number. A short while later, the call came once again, so I       rudely, “You’ve called the wrong number!” and then hung up.
During the       days, I often got the        call. But I didn’t care much about it. Then one day she kept calling me,       I didn’t answer. Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice, “Dad, please come back. I miss you so much! Dad, I’m in so much         ! Mom said you were too busy to take care of me. But, dad, please       me again, OK?” It was        to refuse the innocent(天真的, 无邪的) ask. I made a        kiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say, “Thank you…Dad, I am so…happy, so…happy….”
Shortly after this, I became curious(好奇)about         had been on the other end of my phone. So I called back, and a woman answered, “Sorry, sir. I am really sorry to           you. My daughter has had bone cancer(癌症) since she was born. And her father…died in a car         two weeks ago. I didn’t want to tell her the news. Poor baby. When she couldn’t          the painful chemotherapy(化疗), she would cry for her dad because her dad          encouraged(鼓励) her. I really don’t know what to do, so I gave her a random(随意的) phone number…”
“How is your daughter now?” I couldn’t wait to ask.
“She has died. You must have            her on the phone, because she died with a smile, tightly holding the cell phone….” Tears full of my eyes….
A.A boy’sB.A child’sC.My daughter’sD.My son’s
小题5: ifD.though

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In the city of Chicago I met a man I will never forget. He drove a bus that ran from downtown to the edge of the city. Each night I watched him. As the passengers got on the bus, he smiled at each one. It was fun to see how many passengers forgot their troubles and smiled back.
There was one passenger, I noticed, that had never smiled back. He usually coughed roughly through his mustache (胡子) as he got on the bus. And he never covered his mouth. But that wasn’t enough to stop the bus driver’s smile. He gave the man with the mustache and the rough cough his biggest smile.
The man with the mustache never seemed to see that smile. He would sit on the edge of his seat and complained about the way that the bus driver was driving. He only complained for a short time, but he spoke loudly enough so everybody could hear. It was enough to make me sick. But the driver never said a word. He just went on smiling at passengers as they got on the bus.
I wanted to get to know this bus driver better. One night I stayed on the bus to the end of the line. I asked the driver, “Why don’t you throw that man with the mustache out of the bus?” The bus driver looked at me and gave me one of his famous smiles. “I don’t care about that,” he said. “Let me tell you about my friend’s dog. The man next door to me has a dog. Every time the moon shines, the dog barks (狗叫) and barks all night.” “Well, what about the dog and the moon?” I asked. “Oh, the moon keeps on shining,” he said.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly tells us           .
A.the writer was interested in the bus driver
B.there was a bus from downtown to Chicago
C.each night the writer watched the driver driving was fun for the driver to see passengers smiling
小题2:What did the man with a mustache usually do on the bus?
A.He never said a word.
B.He talked loudly to others.
C.He complained about the way to the city.
D.He complained that the driver didn’t drive well.
小题3:The writer stayed on the bus to the end of the line because he wanted             . listen to an interesting story know more about the driver ask about the dog and the moon ask the driver to throw the man out
小题4:What does the passage imply (暗示)?
A.Bus drivers should smile at passengers.
B.It’s no good to be rough to others.
C.We should learn to be polite.
D.We should learn to be generous(宽宏大量的).

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A French writer __    a story about a cat and a parrot(鹦鹉).
A friend of __     came to visit him one day. The friend said, "I" m going away for a short time. Will you please  __    my parrot for me?"The writer said he would do so, and his friend __           his parrot to the house. The cat saw the parrot and wanted to know whether(是否) it was a bird or not. If so, it would be nice__    . Very__    the cat came nearer and nearer. It was thinking how nice it would be to have this animal for its meal.
The poor parrot was very afraid. It didn" t know __     at first. It kept quiet and didn" t move __     the cat was near enough to jump on it. Then suddenly the parrot asks, " __    you have your breakfast?"
The cat is afraid. It ran away as fast as it can. Maybe it was saying to itself, "That thing can speak. It can" t be a bird. It must be __     !"
小题1:A. spoke            B. told             C. said
小题2:A. his               B.him                     C.she
小题3:A. help              B. look for              C. look after
小题4:A. take              B. brought              C. put
小题5:A. to play           B. to drink              C. to eat
小题6:A. slowly            B. quickly             C. soon
小题7:A. him               B. how to do           C. what to do
小题8:A. when              B. that                  C. until
小题9:A. Didn" t            B. Weren" t             C. Were
小题10:A. a bird            B. a cat                  C. a man
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案


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