Mrs. Clark moved to the small village when she was twenty-four. And she has live

Mrs. Clark moved to the small village when she was twenty-four. And she has live

Mrs. Clark moved to the small village when she was twenty-four. And she has lived there for thirty-nine years. She has a poor farm. She works hard on it, but she is often hungry. Her son Henry joined the army(参军) eight years ago and then found a job at a post office in London after he left the army.
One day, he wrote to his poor mother and asked her to go to the capital. The old woman was very happy when she received the letter. The next morning she started. Because it was the first time, her daughter took her to a small station and bought a ticket for her. A train came and she hurried to get on. Before long, a conductor came up to her and said, ‘Ticket, please.’ The old woman showed her ticket to the conductor. The man looked at it and said, ‘You must take a train to London. But it is a train to Manchester. I am afraid you’ve taken a wrong train.’ ‘Is it possible?’ Mrs. Clark said angrily, ‘I am sure it’s your driver’s fault (过错).
小题1:Mrs. Clark is __________ years old now.
小题2:The old woman took a wrong train because _______________
A.she had never taken a train before.
B.her daughter took her to a wrong train.
C.she never visited Manchester and she wanted to go there.
D.the driver is silly (愚蠢) and it was his fault.
小题3:A ‘conductor’ means _________
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Mrs. Clark took a wrong train.
B.The driver drove to a wrong place.
C.Mrs. Clark’s daughter bought a right ticket for her mother.
D.The conductor wanted to see Mrs. Clark’s ticket.



【小 题1】根据文章第一段内容Mrs. Clark moved to the small village when she was twenty-four. And she has lived there for thirty-nine years.可知答案为C
小题2:根据文章内容第二段内容Because it was the first time, her daughter took her to a small station and bought a ticket for her,可知答案为A
小题4:根据文章第二段内容The man looked at it and said, ‘You must take a train to London. But it is a train to Manchester. I am afraid you’ve taken a wrong train.’ ‘Is it possible?’ Mrs. Clark said angrily, ‘I am sure it’s your driver’s fault (过错).可知答案为B,并不是司机的过错,故选答案为B
Before Christmas Mr. Smith broke his right leg and had to stay in hospital. When he was there, he always asked his doctor when he could go home. He didn"t like to spend Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best, Mr. Smith didn"t get better. So on Christmas Day he was still in hospital. He spent a bad day in bed thinking that he missed a lot of fun on such a happy day.
The next day the doctor told him that he might be well enough to leave hospital in time for the New Year. Mr. Smith was very happy to think that he would spend New Year"s Day outside hospital. Soon Mr. Smith left hospital and on New Year"s Eve he went to a party. He enjoyed himself there. But he drank too much. On his way home that night, he had a fall and broke his left leg. What an unlucky man he was!
小题1:Mr. Smith spent Christmas Day in hospital because ______.
A.he like to
B.his wife told him to
C.he broke his left leg
D.he had to
小题2:He had a good time on ______.
A.Christmas’ Eve
B.Christmas Day
C.New Year’s Eve
D.New Year’s Day
小题3:Because ______, he drank so much on New Year’s Eve.  
A.he was too happy
B.both of his two legs got well
C.he had a fall
D.he was in hospital
小题4:Mr. Smith would have to spend New Year’s Day ______. home a party hospital
D.outside hospital
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The day is like any other day in his life. Tom walks past the shop on the street corner. He stops to look at the front row of shoes, and he feels happy to see that the pair of shoes he wants very much is still there. Looking down at his old shoes, he feels sorry for himself. He really wants to have them for his birthday.
He sadly walks away and thinks how to tell his mother about it. He knows very well she has little money. He decides not to go home at once , as he looks sad and his mother will notice(注意) it. So he goes to the park and sits on the grass. There he sees a boy moving a wheelchair(轮椅)with his hands . Tom looks at him and is surprised to see that the boy has no feet. He looks at his own feet. “It’s much better to be without shoes than without feet”, he thinks. There is no reason or him to feel so sorry and sad. He goes away and smiles, thinking he is happier.
小题1:Tom passes the shop ______.
A.on a bus
小题2:Tom stops in front of the shop because he wants to ______ . the shoesB.look at the shoes he liked a present for his friendD.get something for his birthday party
小题3:Why did Tom go to the park? Because ______.
A.many nice shoes are sold(卖) there
B.he wants to play there for a while
C.he wants to see his disabled(残疾的) friend
D.he doesn’t want to make his mother worried
小题4: We can learn from the story that Tom ______ .
A.doesn’t like old shoesB.loves his mother very much
C.doesn’t want to stay at homeD.has no feet

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Young people and older people don’t always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special programme in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and enjoyment in work. Some teenagers work in the woods or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn phototaking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
When people live together, rules are necessary. In this programme the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers has this to say about his experience, “You stop thinking only about yourself, You learn to think about the group.”
小题1: In one special programme in New York State, young and older people _______ .
A.don’t work well together.
B.are friendly to one another.
C.teach one another new ways of building houses.
D.spend eight weeks together, working as farmers.
小题2:All the members work some time every day mainly to _______ .
A.lead a busy life.B.learn new skills of farming;
C.get used to the life on the farmsD.find value and pleasure in work
小题3: Living together, _________ .
A.the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules
B.the teenagers have to obey the rules the adults make
C.the members have no free time on weekends
D.the members are not allowed to break the rules they make together
小题4: The last programme shows that the teenager thinks his experience in the programme is ____ .
小题5: The best title for the passage is __________ .
A.The rules of living together
B.Life in New York State
C.Teenagers in the special group
D.Free hours in the special work group

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Jeremy Shu -How Lin is an NBA player on the New York Knicks. He is an Asian-American NBA rising star. He was born on August 23rd, 1988. He is 1.91meters tall. He weighs 91 kilos. He is also a graduate of Harvard University. Months ago, few people knew of him, but in February, 2012, Lin started to shine. He led his team to a series of (一系列)wins. He surprised everybody and quickly became famous in the sports world.
US Education Secretary Arne Duncan wrote an article about Lin for Time. He said Lin breaks lots of wrong ideas. One of them is that Asian Americans can’t play basketball well. Another is that you can’t be a great sports player and an excellent student at the same time.
Duncan also noted that Lin’s success was not an accident(偶然). He worked hard and stayed humble(谦虚的). He lives the right way. He plays the right way.
What makes Lin stand out from other players is his hard work and never-give-up spirit.
小题1: Which team does Jeremy Shu-How Lin play for?
A.The Houston Rockets.B.The Los Angeles Lakers.
C.The New York Knicks.D.The New Jersey Nets.
小题2:. How old is Jeremy Shu-How Lin this year?
A.He is twenty.B.He is twenty-two.
C.He is twenty-four.D.He is twenty-six.
小题3: Which university did he graduate from?
A.Taiwan University.B.Harvard University.
C.Oxford University.D.Cambridge University.
小题4:. According to the passage, do you think a person can be a great sports player and a good student at the same time?
A.Yes, I think so.B.No, I don’t think so.
C.Yes, I don’t think so.D.No, I think so.
小题5:What makes him a great success?
A.Hard work and his height.
B.His coach and his weight.
C.His character(性格) and his family.
D.Hard work and never-give-up spirit.

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Do you know who is the most popular star on the Internet now? Yes, he is “Brother Coat”(大衣哥) Zhu Zhiwen!
A few months ago, Zhu Zhiwen was an unknown farmer. A video of his show has been watched by more than millions of people,now his videos are the most popular. Zhu Zhiwen attracts Chinese netizens"(网民的) hearts. And he is called “Brother Coat” by them.
In March 2011, he took part in a program called “I’m a Big Star”. He walked out onto the stage in a dark green coat. Then he began to sing the song of the TV drama Romance of Three Kingdoms. When the audiences heard rich and powerful voice,all of them stood up and cheered. After that, he became a well-known person.
The judges(评委) asked him if he had any professional training. Zhu said no. “When he started, I thought someone played the original tape(原声带) by mistake. But later on, I got it, ” said one of them, “we can’t judge a book by its cover.” At last, he won the first prize in the program of “I’m a Big Star”.
Zhu Zhiwen was born in a village of Shandong in 1969. He liked listening to the radio. When the music played, he sang it along. Every morning, he would get up early and practiced singing near a river. He keeps doing it for nearly 30 years.
“When I’m working in the fields, ”said Zhu Zhiwen, “I often sing for myself, some villagers even think me crazy,but I really love it. I’m not singing for money, I’m singing for ordinary people in China.”
Mrs. Sun, a 56-year-old engineer, one of his fans said, “I watched his videos without getting tired of it! It is so amazing, and every time I watch it, I am filled with excitement and his voice is perfect! I am crossing my fingers in hope that he has a bright future.”
小题1: Who gave Zhu Zhiwen the nickname of “Brother Coat”(大衣哥)?
A.His father.B.The villagers.C.His mother.D.The netizens.
小题2:When did Zhu Zhiwen become a well-known person?
A.In 1969.B.In 2011.C.Two years ago.D.A few years ago.
小题3:Why did the audiences stand up cheer when Zhu Zhiwen sang the song?
A.Because he was funny.
B.Because he wore a dark green coat.
C.Because his voice was rich and powerful.
D.Because he gave some gifts to the audiences.
小题4: The underlined phrase “judge a book by its cover” in Paragraph 4 means ________.
A.以貌取人 B.志存高远 C.众口铄金D.哗众取宠
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Zhu Zhiwen is 45 years old now.
B.Mrs. Sun enjoys Zhu Zhiwen’s songs.
C.A famous singer taught Zhu Zhiwen to sing.
D.Zhu Zhiwen often sang for his fans when he was young.

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