完形填空。      One Saturday afternoon,my daughter Alice asked me, "Are all people th

完形填空。      One Saturday afternoon,my daughter Alice asked me, "Are all people th


      One Saturday afternoon,my daughter Alice asked me, "Are all people the same even if the yare different
in color?"
      I thought for a minute,and then I said, "I"ll explain, if you can just wait until we make a quick    1    in
the supermarket. I have something    2    to show you."
      In the supermarket, we bought some apples-red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Alice, "It"s
time to    3    your question." I put one apple of each type on the table. Then I looked at Alice, who had a 
   4    look on her face.
      "People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the outside,some of the

 apples may not    5    look as the others." As I was talking, Alice was    6    each one carefully. 
      Then, I took each of the apples and peeled (削皮) them, placing them back on the table, but on a
different place. 
      "Okay, Alice, tell me which is which." 
       She said, "I    7    tell. They all look the same now." "Take    8    of each one. See if that helps you
decide which one is which." 
       She took big bites,and then a huge smile came across her face, "People are just like apple! They are all
different, but once you     9    the outside,they"re pretty much the same on the inside." 
       She totally   10   it, I didn"t need to say or do anything else.

1-5: DDCDB    6-10: ABADC
阅读理解。      Trudy"s class has a newspaper. The students write stories and poems (诗歌) for it. Then one of them
types their work into a computer and prints it out. The teacher puts up everything on the wall so that it looks
like a large, open newspaper. 
     One day Trudy said to the teacher, "Most newspapers have advertisements. Can we have our advertisements?" The teacher thought this was a good idea. She made Trudy the advertising manager and Trudy asked the
other students to advertise to the newspaper. Here are some of the advertisements she received.
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SONY WALKMAN FOR SALE: In good condition. Complete with earphones. Best offer. See Miriam.
GOOD HOME WANTED: Six lovely Persian kittens (小猫) need good homes. They are the loveliest things
you"ve ever seen, Free to the right person. See John.
WORK WANTED: Strong boy is willing to work in a garden or do some housework. 3 hours a week. Not
expensive. See Tom.
PC WANTED: In good condition. It must be at least Pentium IV See Alan.
CONCERT TICKETS: Has anyone got a spare ticket for the Raiders"concert next week? I"m willing to
pay well for a good ticket.See Sheila.
LOST: A gold ring with a blue stone in it. Reward. See Patricia.
FOUND: A gold ring with a stone in it. Reward. See Agnes.
         This is a story about a monkey. An old man had a monkey. The old man liked the monkey very much.
The monkey was very clever. When birds came to the garden, he drove them away. He also helped the old man
in many other ways.
          One hot afternoon in the summer, the old man was sleeping in his chair in the garden. A fly (苍蝇) came
and sat on the old man"s nose. The monkey drove it away. Soon the fly came back and sat on the old man"s nose
again. Again the monkey drove it away. Again and again, the monkey became very angry. He jumped up and ran
to pick a large stone. When the fly was on the old man"s nose again, the monkey hit it hard with that stone. The
fly fell off, but the old man"s nose was broken.
          Well, many people, sometimes do things just like monkey. They do things too hastily (草率地) but they
don"t think much before they do. Maybe they sometimes bring us trouble, though they mean to do something
1. The monkey could do a ________ of __________ for the old man.
2. When the old man was __________, a fly _________ and sat on his nose.
3. The monkey got very angry because he _________ drive the fly ___________.
4. At last the fly was ___________ but the old man"s nose was ____________.
5. We can learn from this story that we must think ___________ ___________ we do anything.
          Fifteen people were killed and 20 injured,three of them seriously, in a blaze (fire)set off by fireworks
inside a bar called Latin Bar in southeast China. The accident happened on the evening of January 31 in the city
of Changle, Fujian Province, when a group celebrating a birthday set off fireworks at their table inside the bar.
The firecrackers made the electric line burning, and the lines burnt the things in the bar. These things decorated
the bar and gave off some terrible gas that made people die when they breathed much. After they were sent to
the hospital, two men died later. Among them the youngest was only 17 years old. It happened just after the
Spring Festival. 
          A lot of parents were waiting in the hospital. Some of them were so sad that they cried for a long time.
A woman in a red coat, one of her shoes was lost on the ground cried so hard that she couldn"t say anything.
She was the mother of the youngest dead child. A young man told the reporter that he was one of the workers
who once worked in the bar and just left the bar before Spring Festival. He felt very frightened. His five other
workmates were also dead. He told people that there were many people in the bar and the bar used some bad
materials to decorate. So once there is a fire, these bad things will give off poisonous (harmful) gas which can
make people die in a short time. 
           "Why did this kind of thing happen again and again in our country?" people asked the leaders of the
police. We hope this accident will not happen any more.
1. Why was there a big fire during the birthday party?
[     ]
A.Because some people lit cigarettes.
B.Because some people smoked.
C.Because some people lit candles.
D.Because some people lit some firecrackers.
2. Why did a lot of people die during this big fire?
[     ]
          Here"s a story about a famous woman in Australia. Her name is Sandy Green.
          Sandy is a famous Australian actress and singer. When she nearly finished school, she had a part in a TV
show called "The Henderson Kids".
         When that show finished, Sandy had to go back to her studies. Her father kept reminding her that she had
to pass the exam. Sandy worked hard at school, but she really loved acting and she was soon back on TV. She
was still young and gaining experience, but there were bigger things to come.
         Soon after Sandy finished High School, she got a part in a show that changed her life forever. Sandy
started to play Charlence Mitchel in the TV show "Neighbors".
         When she finished playing Charlene in "Neighbors", Sandy went on to build a big following as a singer. Her music has been very popular in England and Australia.
         She is more than 30 years old now, many of her dreams have come true, but she still works hard. If you
want to know more about her, you can go to her Internet website at http:www.sandy.com.
(     )1. This story is about Sandy Green, a famous American actress and singer.
(     )2. Sandy Green began to act in a TV show before she finished school.
(     )3. Sandy loved acting, but she didn"t study hard at school.
(     )4. Playing Charlence Mitchel in the TV show "The Hendersin Kids" made Sandy"s life change forever.
(     )5. Sandy never stops working after her dreams have come true.
          Canada Geese (鹅) are large blue and white birds. When autumn arrives, they have to fly south where the
weather is warmer. The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds died if they stay there. Here"s a story about
some Canada Geese.
         (A) When he arrived back home, Bill found the geese waiting for him. They had found their way home
without him!
         (B) He had a small plane and he decided to teach them to follow him. Last summer, he went on shorts
trips in his plane and the young geese flew after him.
         (C) This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn"t arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia
(弗吉尼亚) to get them. He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn"t find them. So he had to fly home. 
        (D) Bill Lishman is a farmer who loves birds. Last spring, he found sixteen young Canada Geese on his
farm. They had lost their parents. Bill thought, "These young birds won"t know what to do in the autumn. I will
do something to help them."
       (E) When it became cold last autumn, Bill flew to Virginia in the United States, 600 miles south of his home
in Canada. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the geese in Virginia and returned home.
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______