Teens Enjoy ReadingAccording to a survey on reading conducted by the U.S. Nation

Teens Enjoy ReadingAccording to a survey on reading conducted by the U.S. Nation

Teens Enjoy Reading

According to a survey on reading conducted by the U.S. National Education Association (NEA), young Americans say reading is important—more important than computers and science. Over 50% of the twelve to eighteen years old children interviewed said they enjoy reading a lot. Seventy-nine percent find it stimulating and interesting, and 87% think it is relaxing. Most of those surveyed (68%) disagree with the opinion that reading is boring, or old-fashioned.
Teens Read Variety of Material
Over half the teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year. The results also showed that middle-school students read more books than high school students. Most teens (66%) like to read fiction, such as novels and stories. Only 26% were interested in non-fiction, such as biographies and history books. Sixty-four percent of students liked reading ‘stories about people of my own age’ as their favorite topic. Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%. Just under 50% said they were interested in reading about their own culture and heritage.
Other Interests
Of the teenagers who participated in the survey, 49% said that libraries are where they get most of their books. However, many complained that their school libraries do not have enough up-to-date, interesting books and magazines. Even though many teenagers in the U.S. enjoy reading, they still have other interests. When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music. TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed.
Another survey which is published by www. SmartGirl.com studied the differences between teenage boys’ and girls’ reading habits. According to the report, more girls than boys read for fun. Many more girls (77%) than boys (6%) read fashion and beauty magazines. More boys (47%)  than girls (7%) read magazines about video games, but an equal number of each like to read adventure stories and newspapers. Girl also read more material about celebrities and social issues such as crime, drugs, or poverty. Boys, on the other hand, read more about sports.
小题1:Most teens enjoy reading______.
A.history booksB.novels and stories
C.about their own cultureD.about science
小题2:The teens think that ________ is the most difficult to give up.
A.reading booksB.watching TV
C.reading magazinesD.listening to music
小题3:The proper headline for paragraph 4 is ______.
A.Teens’ Reading HabitB.Another Survey about Teens
C.Boys’ and Girls’ InterestsD.Boys’ and Girls’ Habits Differ



小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段Most teens (66%) like to read fiction, such as novels and stories.描述,可知大多数青少年喜欢阅读小说和故事。故选B。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第三段48% said listening to music. TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed. 48%的人认为听音乐难放弃。25%的受访者认为电视很难放弃。故选D
As Danny put his lunch tray onto the cafeteria table, milk spilled all over his sandwich. He sat down, hung his head forward, looking at the food in front of him. Frowning, he began peeling the soggy milk-soaked bread (浸透牛奶的) from his sandwich. “This is the worst thing I’ve ever done!” he said, “It’s not that bad,” said his friend Elena, who was sitting across from him. “Just get another sandwich.”

“Sandwich? What sandwich? I am talking about the talent contest. It’s only two weeks away and I don’t know what I’m doing! Everybody will laugh at me. There’s no way to avoid it!”
“Don’t be so negative, Danny,” said Elena as she rolled her eyes. “You’re going to be great, You’re very capable. You have the skills to do just about anything.”
Danny moved his lunch tray to the side and rested his head on the table.
“Sit up Danny,” ordered Elena, “I have an idea. Let’s brainstorm a list of things you could do. We’ll divide the list into categories or groups. Let’s start with music. You play the piano, right?”
“I stopped taking lessons in the third grade,” said Danny.
“What about singing a song?” suggested Elena.
Danny shook his head no. “Let’s move on to another category.”
“What about performing magic tricks?” asked Elena, as she twisted thin strands of hair around her finger.
“I don’t know how to play magic tricks!” Danny almost shouted. “Elena, how did I get myself into this huge mess?”
“Stop being so…” Elena paused, “That’s it, DRAMATIC!” Elena shouted excitedly. “You could do a dramatic reading. You definitely have the talent for it. Mrs. Pace always calls on you to read aloud in class. You could read a play aloud. Maybe you could even get extra credit from Mrs. Pace. She rewards students with points for doing extra reading work.”
Danny thought for a minute. Then he smiled. “Elena,” Danny said, “You are a great friend!”
Elena smiled back. “I just want to make sure you are a bright, shiny star when you step out on stage.”
小题1:Elena and Danny were talking ______.
A.in the cafeteriaB.in the classroomC.in a theatreD.at home
小题2:Danny was unhappy because of ______.
A.the spilled milkB.her friend Elena
C.the talent contestD.the milk-soaked bread
小题3:With the help of Elena, Danny finally decided to ______.
A.play the pianoB.sing a song
C.perform magic tricksD.do a dramatic reading
小题4:The title for the story is most likely to be ______.
A.A Huge MessB.The Talent Contest
C.An Unlucky BoyD.A Dramatic Reading

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People visit other countries for many purposes. Some travel on businesses; others travel to visit interesting places that are only found in other countries.
Wherever you go, and for whatever purpose, it’s important to be safe. A tourist can attract a lot of attention from local people. While most people you meet when travelling are sure to be nice, there are dangers—theft being the most common. So prepare for your trip in advance.
As you prepare for your trip, make sure you have the right paperwork. You don’t want to get to your destination (目的地)only to find you have the wrong visa, or worse, that your passport is about to expire (到期). Also, make sure you travel with proper medical insurance, so that if you are sick or injured during your travels, you can be treated. If you want to drive while you are abroad, make sure you have an international driver’s license.
If you need to take medicine with you—such as travel-sickness pills—keep it in its original container(容器). If you don’t, you may find yourself doing a lot of explaining to customs officials at your destination.
Buy a guidebook and read about the local customs of the country you are going to. Also, try and learn a few basic words and phrases—don’t assume that the local people will speak your language.
When you get to your destination, you’d better use official transport. Always go to the bus and taxi stands, don’t accept rides from strangers who offer you a lift. If there is no meter in the taxi, agree on a price before you get in. If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while travelling, make sure you can lock the door of your room from the inside. If you are travelling with valuables such as jewelry, or a lot of money, you should ask about a safe for storing them in. Finally, remember to smile. It’s the friendliest and most sincere form of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world!
Have a Safe Trip
Aspects of being safe
 小题1: on safety.
You must have the  小题2: visa.
medical insurance
You are able to get   小题3: if you’re ill during the journey.
driving license
You should have the   小题4: driver’s license if you’d like to drive in foreign countries.
Make sure it is   小题5: in its original containers.
If you buy one, you’ll know the local customs by  小题6: it.
You can try to learn some simple words and phrases the local people use.
Use public transport. Don’t  小题8: into strangers’ cars.
Lock the door from the   小题9: .
Form of communication
Don’t forget to  小题10: when communicating with others.

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Do you feel lonely when your best friend isn’t around? Of course, yes. Here’s our advice to you—and to all kids who feel lonely sometimes. 
You may feel lonely at break or lunchtime when a best friend isn’t around—maybe because he or she moved to a different school or a different class. You want to have new friends, but how do you make them? Maybe it seems everybody else already has his or her friends. But remember, there’s always room for more friends.
Start by looking around your classroom—think about which kids you’d like to play with at break. Look for chances to say hi to them, smile, and be friendly. Offer to share something or express your appreciation (欣赏) to them. Invite someone to play with you or say, “Do you want to sit here?” in the lunchroom. When you’re at break, walk over to kids you want to play with, act friendly, and say “Hi, can I play, too?” or just join in. 
If you have trouble doing this or if you’re feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends. Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends. The best way to make friends is to be a friend. Be kind, be friendly, share, say nice things, offer to help ---and pretty soon, you’ll have one, or two, or even more new friends.
You might still miss that special best friend. But when you see each other, you can share something you didn’t have before he or she left. You can introduce him or her to your new friends!
小题1:How do you feel when your best friend isn’t around you according to the passage?
小题2:Why do some kids feel lonely at break according to the writer?
小题3:What is the best way to make friends according to the writer?
小题4:Why do some kids need help from teachers to make friends according to the writer?
小题5:What should you do if you want to make more friends? (请自拟一句话作答)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Foods quickly spoil and break down if they are not stored correctly. Heat and damp encourage increase in micro-organisms(微生物的), and sunlight can    vitamins in such food as milk. Therefore, most foods should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place.
Some foods _    bad quickly, such as meat, eggs and milk. They should be stored in a temperature of 5°C~10°C. In this temperature range, the activity of micro-organisms is _    . In warm climates, this temperature can be kept    _ in a fridge or in the underground basement(地下室) of a house.
Dry goods, such as flour and rice, should be kept at a slightly higher temperature. A temperature of 15°C is ideal. In Britain and northern European countries this means that the room in which dry foods are stored should    the general heating of the house. The room should also be well     and, above all, dry. Damp very quickly causes the     of the green molds. These molds often grow on cheese if it is not stored properly.
Fruits and vegetables need cool and damp    _ , so an underground basement usually    _ an excellent storage place. If the central heating unit is in the basement, _   __, it will not be ideal unless the unit and the pipes(管道) do not give out any heat.

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小题1:All of the above four start from the city of_______.
A.Shanghai B.Xi"anC.BeijingD.Guilin
小题2:If you want to spend the least money, you"d better choose the tour of_______.
小题3:If you choose tour Golden-04, you"ll have the chance to visit
A.Hong KongB.Dunhuang
小题4:If you want to take a camel riding, you can probably choose

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