No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important t

No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important t

No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression(印象) from the first day. You’ll face new people. You will be in a new place.
It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job:
1. First impressions can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.
2. Get to work on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.
3. Pay attention to introductions. One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers. These co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.
4. Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you your duties, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.
5. Never be the first one to leave. Watch what your co-workers do around quitting time (下班时间).  It does not look good for you to be eager(急切) to leave.
小题1: Before you arrive at work, you should __________.
A.dress in a right wayB.introduce yourself
C.know your dutiesD.know your co-workers well
小题2: According to the passage, which of the following statements is True?
A.You should be the first one to arrive at work.
B.You should ask your co-workers for your duties.
C.You should not be eager to go back home.
D.You are required to arrive 15 minutes earlier.
小题3:According to the passage, your supervisor is most likely your __________.



小题1:细节理解题。根据文章的第一条建议Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code (rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.,在你第一天上班之前,你要查明你的新工作在穿着上是否有一定的要求,要遵循这些要求,不管你穿什么,要保证干净整洁。这一条建议是关于你的穿着的,这是在上班之前就要考虑到的。故选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文章的最后一条建议Never be the first one to leave. Watch what your co-workers do around quitting time (下班时间).  It does not look good for you to be eager(急切) to leave.,不要第一个离开。看一看你的同事们在快要下班的时候会做什么。急于离开对你来说是不好的,故C是正确的。A、D两个选项是关于你上班的时间,文章中告诉我们要准时到,不是做第一个或提前到。B选项与原文表达不符。
小题3:词义猜测题。这个单词出现在文中One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers.,意为:你的主管做的事情之一就是把你介绍给你的同事们。这里supervisor 应该不同于co-workers,所以我们猜测supervisor 应该是你的上级。故选D。
What’s the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions(提到) hard-work, others suggest knowledge, love and luck.
If you arrange the 26 English letters alphabetically(按字母表的顺序)and use numbers to represent each of them, for example, 1 for a, 2 for b, 3 for c…, you can change an English word into a number. So hard-work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11="98," meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5="96," while love:12+15+22+5="54," and luck : 12+21+3+11="47," a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What about money or prayer(祈祷)? They can’t , either.
Then what else? Don’t be worried.You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude(态度).Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself: attitude:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100,a full mark.
Different attitudes lead to different courses of life. Most times people hope for a better life. It is possible that one will have a change for the better after one has changed one’s attitude.
When you change your manner and became friendly towards others, you’ll meet more smiling faces towards you. In the same way, if you take a positive (积极地) attitude towards failure(失败),you’ll find it’s also rewarding though it has caused you losses.
小题1:What is the mark of the word “money”?
小题2:In the writer’s opinion, what is the most important thing in a person’s life?
小题3:According to the passage, if you meet with problems, the best way out is to _______.
A.ask for help from othersB.say your prayers to God
C.change your attitudeD.try maths-solving methods (方法)
小题4:From the passage we can learn that ______.
A.different attitudes come from different courses of life
B.mathematics can solve every problem easily in our daily life
C.failure sometimes can bring you good if you take a positive attitude
D.none of the English words except “attitude” equals to 100 or more

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Most people at some time or another have dreamed of being a popular kid at school. Being popular in middle school is much easier than it sounds. Just follow a few steps and finally see what it feels like to be a popular kid.
First, why do you want to be popular? Ask yourself if your desire(渴望) for being popular comes from looking down on yourself or an unlucky situation. If it does, then work first on your self-confidence.
Be friendly to everyone, even people that other people think are weird or different. If you are strange or different, realize that everyone is strange in their own way. Take part in school activities and make yourself more visible( 可见的) to the school population.
Find a talent or special skill that you have. Whether your skill is telling jokes, drawing, singing or playing soccer, show your skill in right way.
Volunteer to help with classroom or school activities that will help you leave a good impression (印象)on teachers. Develop a personal style that you feel goes well with your personality.
Be yourself and have fun. Keep your strong sense and personality. Join school clubs, sporting teams and student government to show yourself as someone who makes a difference at your school .
小题1:What does the underlined word “ weird ” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Strange.B.Popular.C.Exciting .D.Common.
小题2:What does the writer probably think is important to do according to the last paragraph?
A.Not losing a sense of self.B.Creating a club of our own.
C.Making a difference to our school.D.Following other students’ example.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the writer?
A.Be nice to other people at school.
B.Find something that you are good at.
C.Make your teachers know you’re a good student.
D.Make friends with some students who are popular.
小题4:The writer writes the passage to tell us________.
A.what to do in high school to get along well with others to become popular in middle school
D.what kinds of students are popular at school

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A recent survey of 2000 parents in Britain showed that they are often afraid of science questions asked by their curious children only because they have no idea what the answer is. Here is a list of some simple questions that you can ask your parents to see if they know the answers.
Q: Why is the sky blue?
A: You probably know white sunlight is made up of seven colors. While it moves in a straight line when going through space, it starts to divide as it hits “raised area” in the atmosphere. The ones with longest wavelengths pass through easily. The blue , however , can be taken in by the gas molecules (分子) because it has a shorter wavelength , which in turn scatters (使分散) it in different directions. That’s why when you look up at the sky, it appears to be blue.
Q:Why does the moon sometimes appear during the daytime?
A: The simple answer to that is because just like any other object it is being lit by the sun. As long as it is around 45 degrees or even 90 degrees off the sun, it will receive light and be able to be seen. The only time it is not able to be seen during its 28-day orbit (轨道) around the earth is when it is right between the earth and the sun. That’s because its back , which is not lit by the sun, is facing us.
Q: Where do birds/ honeybees go in winter?
A: While the bird part is quite easy, since a lot of them get together and travel, the honeybee part is likely to puzzle your parents. It turns out that these busy insects stop being that active when the temperature drops below 50°F. Instead ,they get together in the lower central area of the hive (蜂巢)and form a ball around their queen. This helps keep both warm enough to survive the cold winter months.
小题1:The sky looks blue mainly because the color blue in the sunlight_______.
A.has the longest wavelength among all the colors
B.cannot be taken in by the gas molecules
C.doesn’t hit “raised area” in the atmosphere
D.cannot pass through space successfully
小题2:How long can’t the moon be seen during the daytime in a month?
A.2 B.28 C.30 D.31
小题3:What do honeybees choose to do when the temperature drops below 50°F?
A.They choose to be active in the wild.
B.They choose to keep themselves warm.
C.They choose to travel to a warm place.
D.They choose to get together in the upper central area of the hive.
小题4:What is NOT explained in the passage?
A.Why is the sky blue?
B.Why is the moon able to be seen during the daytime?
C.Why do birds travel in winter?
D.Where do honeybees go in winter?

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March 5 is “Lei Feng Day”. Fifty years ago on this day, Chairman Mao Zedong called on people to “learn from Lei Feng”. Now half a century has passed. Is the spirit of Lei Feng outdated? Some people have shown us that it’s not. But people have also changed the ways in which they help others.
Li Yulin, who works in a hospital in Hang Zhou, Zhejiang, has been a volunteer for 15 years. He still remembers his experience in an old people’s home several years ago. An old woman held his hand and said, “You don’t need to do anything for us. Seeing young people like you here is all we need.” Those words made Li think: in what ways can we help people better? “Every person does what they can, no matter how small it is, to give out positive energy. And before we lend a helping hand, we should find out what they want,” Li said to the Qianjiang Evening News.
As well as Li, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng. A “noodle fever” swept Zhengzhou, Henan in January. It started with an online post. Li Gang, a 42-year-old local man, said in the post that he has got cancer. He needed a lot of money for an operation. He was not asking for donations, but hoped people would come to eat at his restaurant. Li’s post spread quickly. Soon his restaurant was filled with people every day. Li had an operation on Feb. 2 and now he is getting better.
“It is good to help Li and his family like this for it shows them respect and doesn’t hurt their pride,” Qianjiang Evening News said.
小题1: According to Paragraph 1, we learn that_______.  
A.people now help others in different ways
B.people today don’t follow the spirit of Lei Feng
C.fifty years ago people were more helpful than today
D.Lei Feng died on March 15, 1963.
小题2: Li Yulin learned from his experience that______.     
A.the old want people to give them money
B.the young should show respect to the old
C.old people in the old people’s home don’t need help
D.helping people is giving them what they really need
小题3: According to the article, what is “noodle fever”?  
A.Many people ate noodles in a restaurant to help the owner.
B.Many people got a fever after eating noodles in a restaurant.
C.Many people got cancer after eating noodles in a restaurant.
D.Many people gave money to a noodle restaurant owner.
小题4: From this passage, what does the name of Lei Feng stand for? 
A.A symbol of understanding.B.A symbol of selflessness and modesty .
C.A symbol of respect. D.A symbol of pride .
小题5:What is the best title for this passage?  
A.Volunteer Work.B.The Spirit of Lei Feng Is Everywhere.
C.Positive Energy. D.Lei Feng Is Outdated.

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In an American classroom, a Chinese girl was asked to answer a question. She stood up and smiled, without making any sound. The American teacher looked at himself and didn’t see anything funny. So he asked her the question again. The girl just smiled but said nothing. The teacher was angry. He didn’t know that the girl smiled to cover her embarrassment(尴尬)because she wasn’t able to answer the question.
In a dining room in Beijing, an Englishman was careless and dropped a plate. The Chinese who had seen this began to laugh. The Englishman felt uncomfortable and even got angry. “They are laughing at me,” he thought. In fact the Chinese laughed not at the Englishman or his bad luck—whether he is a foreigner or a Chinese. The smile or laughter has several feelings: don’t take it so seriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing; such things can happen to any of us.
小题1:The Chinese girl smiled in an American classroom because ________________.
A.she was asked to answer a question B.she was asked to stand up
C.she couldn’t answer the question D.the teacher looked funny
小题2:Which feeling is NOT included in the laughter when the Englishman dropped a plate?
A.Don’t take it seriously.B.Bad luck!
C.It’s nothing.D.It can happen to any of us.
小题3:What does the writer want to tell us?
A.Smile and laughter don’t mean the same thing to different people.
B.Smile and laughter always bring happiness.
C.American people are easy to get angry.
D.Chinese students are impolite

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